Chapter 10

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Toby climbs onto my lap, smiling as he cuddles close to me. We had gone outside to complete another activity from his packet but ended up playing in the snow instead. I couldn't resist his puppy eyes, begging me to play with him.

We built three snowmen, each one bigger than the other. He'd pointed to the tallest of the three and called it 'puppy'. So I assumed that the snowmen were meant to be me, Toby, and Kalen.

Toby mewls, stretching out on my lap and yawning. He wraps his arms around my waist, nuzzling closer to me.

Despite wearing many layers of clothing, a thick winter jacket, and large snow pants, he was shivering.

"We should finish your daily activities before Kalen finishes his work. He will be so proud of you if you complete them now, Toby."

Toby beams, standing and running over to the porch to grab his activity packet. We had been doing at least three activities a day. He was smarter than the doctors previously thought he was.

I suppose speech was the biggest problem with Toby at the moment. We would work on it once we find out the extent of Toby's knowledge.

Toby runs back to me, stumbling over his boots that were many sizes too large for his feet. He threw a fit when we tried to get him to wear the new boots we bought for him. He wanted to wear Kalen's.

Toby's whole wardrobe consisted of outfits that were not his. He wore my sweatpants, Kalen's sweatshirts, basically any article of our clothing he could get our hands on he would wear.

Kalen and I didn't mind though. We were holding off on marking him for the time being. So having Toby bathed in our scents satiated our wolves need to claim him as ours.

Toby hands me his packet and a pencil, plopping back down on my lap. Today's activity was an addition and subtraction lesson. He finished them quickly. Toby's handwriting was terrible, almost illegible. But I could still make out the poorly scrawled numbers on the paper.

I check to see if he wrote out the problems correctly. Elated to see that Toby had, in fact,  solved all of the problems correctly.

"Good boy, Toby! I'm so proud of you!" I kiss Toby on the cheek, holding his body close to mine. Toby whines, wriggling in my grasp. He turns to face me, pouting.

"Puppy," he whimpers, pointing to the pack house.

"Do you want me to bring you to Kalen?"

Toby shakes his head no, pointing at his lips.


"Do you want me to kiss you like how I kiss puppy?"

Toby nods his head vigorously. He closes his eyes, waiting. I laugh, pulling him close and pressing a soft kiss to his lips.

The kiss was sweet, but brief. I pull away to gaze into his crystalline eyes. The light blue irises shimmering in the setting sunlight.

I smile, my heart warming at the sight of my sweet mate. His cheeks were flushed pink and he couldn't look me in the eyes. His lips were turned up at the corners, a whisper of a smile present on his cute face.

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