Chapter 7

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Once Rue was out of surgery, a nurse wheeled him to my room so he could recover there. I sat on the edge of my bad, stroking his thigh. Coaxing him out of his slumber.

Fox shifters healed at a slower rate than wolf shifters. They healed even slower than omegas did. Rue will be in a cast for about two weeks before he can fully heal.

My heart swelled with pride as I gaze upon my mate's sleeping form. He was so strong... so brave...

He did not cry nor whimper as the doctor examined his leg. He didn't even flinch. And when they prepared him for surgery, he was not afraid.

I, however, was deeply concerned. As I sat outside the operating room thoughts swirled around in my head.

What if the surgery wasn't a success? What if he can never walk on that leg again? What if he has to get it amputated? What... what if he doesn't make it?

I was worrying for nothing, of course. We had the top doctors in the pack operating on him. Only the best for my mate. He was in good hands from the beginning and I was worrying too much.

A hand comes down to slap mine away from Rue's thigh. I stiffen, looking up to see a pair of deep brown eyes staring back at me. I smile. He doesn't return it.

"How are you feeling?" I ask.

"I feel sick to my stomach," he groans, leaning back against the stack of pillows behind his head.

"The doctors did say you would experience some nausea. The medicine we gave you is for wolf shifters. The medicine will work but you may feel the need to vomit. It's a side effect of using wolf medicine if you are a non-wolf shifter. But do not worry. I made sure to order some medicine for fox and deer shifters in next month's stock. I don't want you to shy away from using the medicine if you need it."

Rue swallows hard, his face turning a pale color. He places his hand over his mouth and gags, his whole body jolting.

I act quickly, grabbing the bucket placed on the bedside table and guide Rue into a sitting position. Just in time, as vomit spews from between his fingers and into the bucket.

I soothe him, rubbing a comforting hand over his back as he pukes into the bucket. His hands clenching onto the plastic edges in a death grip.

Rue takes large heaving breaths, his eyes watering and his nose running. His body shudders as he sinks into my side.

"I'm...sorry," he whispers, wiping his mouth with the back of his sleeve. His breathing slowly calms, his eyes still watering.

"It's alright. You can't help it. Let me draw you a bath. You can't submerge your leg in the water but I can wrap it in some plastic while you wash up."

Rue protests as I lift him from the bed. I make my way into the bathroom and turn on the faucet, letting the tub fill up with warm water. Once the tub is filled I add some bubble bath to the water so he has a little bit of privacy. A small barrier to help him feel comfortable and so I didn't see his privates.

I set Rue down at the edge of the tub, holding onto him so he doesn't fall backward. I reach for the ties to his hospital gown, his hands batting away at mine.

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