Chapter 5

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I was in shock...

The small white deer that was stuck in the snare trap... was my mate? It did not make sense to me. Why would Moon Goddess mate me with a normal animal? A baby deer, no less. A child! How would it work? It couldn't work...

I take a tentative step in the direction of the small deer. It bleats loudly, a cry for help. He was afraid of me...

Harper holds out his hand, stopping me from moving any closer to the fawn. He, instead, reaches for the release on the traps, slowly lowering the fox and deer to the ground. They are both able to kick the wires off their ankles without our help.

The small fox pants harshly once he is free, favoring his left hind leg. The other was lifted into the air, blood dripping from the wire cuts.

The deer was still whimpering but made no moves to try to escape. Anger surges through my body as I spot the blood around his backside. A growl bubbles up in my throat. The growl fading as the deer lets out another fearful bleat.

Goddess, what had this poor innocent creature been through? He was obviously traumatized. And it probably didn't help that he was surrounded by two alphas and another wolf, all that he was unfamiliar with. He could most likely smell that we were all wolves, which would make him even more terrified. Wolves ate deer after all...

"Shift," Shiloh says to the fox, his voice was strong, demanding. He was using his alpha voice. It made wolves and other beings of a lower rank submit to the command of their alpha, willingly or unwillingly.


They are common animals. Why would he have them shift?

My eyes widen, however, at the sound of snapping bones and retracting fur. The fox is replaced by a small human. He had bright reddish-orange hair and from what I could see, brown eyes. Freckles dotted the entirety of his body, like small paint splatter on a creamy canvas. His body shakes, arms wrapping around his rigid form. He was the size of a tiny omega.

A fox shifter!

He looked...


So, so delicate.

Fox shifters were uncommon in Canada, usually, regular non-fox shifters populated the areas. It was strange to find one so far up. Especially a Runt, which was basically a foxes term for an omega. Since they did not live in packs as we did, there was no such thing as an alpha or omega and everything in between. There were only dominants and submissives. The strong and the weak; Runts.

His eyes nervously dart back and forth between me and Shiloh. His body curling in tighter on itself. The small deer still sits in its spot, frozen in place. His white ears pinned back on his little head. A crazed look in his blue eyes.

None of us knew what to do. It was strange, seeing him on our territory. Fox shifters surely had different rules compared to wolf shifters. I was taught sparingly about fox shifters in my short schooling. Not enough to know what to do with him.

Shiloh was the first to move, taking off his shirt and throwing it at the fox shifter. The small boy takes the shirt and slips into it, still gazing at us warily.

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