Chapter 10 - Mother Knows Best

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The next morning you stood in Heyward's store. You had filled Kie in on why she had to save all your lives at the outdoor theatre.

The night before you had driven JJ back to your place and snuck in quietly, so your parents didn't see the two of you all banged up. You shut your bedroom door behind you, before leading JJ into the bathroom attached to your bedroom. You slapped the counter, motioning for him to sit up. You reached into the cupboard and brought out your medical supplies. JJ's lip was split, so you applied some rubbing alcohol. He winced, a sharp hiss escaping his lips as you dabbed softly.

"Sorry," you said quietly.

"S'okay," he mumbled unable to move his lip much as you tapped it lightly. You moved back from him, and he leant his head back against the mirror, the coolness on the back of his head easing his aches.

In one swift motion you took your shirt off over your head, leaving you in your bra. JJ's eyes widened as his muscles stiffened.

"Uhhhh," he said, looking at you in shock.

You had been inspecting your now bruising side in the mirror. You turned to look at him confused,

"What?" you asked. He had been acting strange the entire ride home and now. It's not like he hadn't seen you like this, you practically lived in a bikini. And as such, he had also seen you in a bra (a few times being a quick change at John B's house as the Pogues changed plans, and once the time he had walked in on you and a touron no John B's couch after a party.)

He readjusted his posture, clearly his throat awkwardly, "Nothing. Thanks for, this" he pointed at his lip before quickly moving out of the bathroom. You watched him leave the room, a puzzled look on your face. You waited for a moment before shrugging. Well, he did kinda almost die, you guessed you could excuse the strange behaviour.

You cleaned yourself up, pressing a cool wet towel to your side. It wasn't too bad, but you knew it would bruise up pretty bad. You walked out of the bathroom, switching the light off as you went. Your room was lit only by the small lamp on your desk. JJ had assumed his position on the fold out couch. His face was illuminated by the light and he was snoring softly already.

You smiled down at him. You didn't know what came over you, but you leant down pressing a feather-like kiss on his forehead. You pulled back slowly, still seeing his eyes closed. You sighed, moving over towards your bed.

JJ had awoken to feeling of something on his forehead. He peaked open an eye slowly, seeing your hair cascading around him. He quickly shut his eye again, careful to keep his breathing steady. He heard your footsteps retreat so he dared to open his eyes. He looked back over towards your bed, seeing you pull down the covers. He smiled to himself, shifting backdown into his comfortable position, the same butterflies in his stomach nursing him to sleep with dreams of you.

"What was your thought process, using your head?" JJ asked Pope. You snorted slightly. JJ nudged your arms with his elbow, shushing you, but small chuckles still escaped his mouth.

"I don't know, man. I just kind of acted off instinct," Pope responded, "I was a cornered animal."

"Hey, Pope, someone here to see you." Pope's dad called across the store. The four of you turned towards the door, seeing police officer Shoupe step around the corner. You face whitened as Pope's fell. JJ tensed beside you as Kiara looked scared.

"Evening officer," he tried to say calmly.

"I have an arrest warrant for felony destruction of property."

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