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"My past is everything I failed to be."

                                                                                                                   -  Fernando Pessoa 


I ran my fingers endlessly through the wealth of her hair, which left its silkiness indwelt in my fingers, making it tough for me to restrain myself from touching her hair. I blatantly took the liberty to do so as she was immersed in a sleep of fathomless depth.  She had her head rested on my chest. I glanced towards the wall clock; it had been four hours since we had been sleeping stark naked on her bed. Having pleasured each other for hours had consummated all of our energy, and we were left with an ounce of strength, which enabled us to drag each other to bed, before collapsing on it. The weight of her head on my chest had woken me up some minutes ago. Her body was covered in a sheet of linen, which touched every curve of her body, making her look so irresistibly desirable. 

 For hours, I  had explored and cherished every curvature of her sculpted body, yet the very sight of her bare body, entangled with mine evoked the same feeling, with an escalated level of intensity. It was not merely lust. I had been with incredibly pretty women. I had them begging me for my slightest touch, yet I could not decide what was so different about this woman, which bound me to her. We did not even have proper sex, yet I felt so vulnerably glued to her. 

 For some reason, I wanted to protect her from anything that posed a threat to her. This foreign "knight- in- the- shining- armour" feeling sent chills down my spine. This is what it took to detach myself from her arms, which had wrapped the circumference of my torso. I picked up my clothes which lied on the floor, reminiscing about the episode of our perfervid lovemaking. 

I caught a glimpse of Park from the corner of my eyes. She was still consumed by a profound sleep. As I proceeded to open the door, I realised that it was the first time that I had been in her room. This priceless opportunity, which I had been waiting for, was millimetres close to me, and here I was leaving her room like a dutiful employee, leaving his work desk after a long day of hard work.

 I gently closed the door and marched towards the most striking feature of Park's room, which was her radiant bookshelf. The latter was in perfect order, with all the books aligned in alphabetical order. Medical books were kept on the right side of the shelf, which was closer to her working table, while books of other genres were meticulously arranged on the other end. Her broad spectrum of choices in books took me by surprise. Usually, individuals as intelligent as Park would have an enhanced peculiarity in her choice of books, yet it felt that she herself had no idea as to what she desired to read. Interestingly, there was a considerable number of romantic fiction novels, which were thoughtfully placed in remote sections of the shelf, distant from one another, in order to make them invisible to the eyes of a stranger. There was no actual book that defined her, which in itself was the prime feature of her character. It finally dawned on me that her bookshelf was nothing but the naked reflection of her personality. Park never revealed her real side to anyone. I cannot really blame her for doing so. If she did, she would be the outcast, just like if I chose to fit into my real character. Hence she did what would take for her to fit in. Inside that fake person, was someone who is far capable of very bad things. As I streamed through her romance section, a piece of paper fell from one of the books. Not willing to get caught in my act, I looked towards Park, who was slept unknown of the fact that I was about to unveil another one of her secrets. 

The piece of paper was actually a red envelope, dated two years back, but still in perfect condition. I opened it and was greeted by a smiling face of Park and her infamous ex-boyfriend, Karl. A wave of disappointment began to hit me until I read the contents of the letter attached to the photo. 

" Dear Park, 

I hope this letter finds you well. I'm so sorry for everything that took place the other day. I did not mean to cause a fight between your boyfriend and you. It's true that I have feelings for you but I also treasure you like a dear friend, whom I would never wish to lose. 

Please allow me to clear these differences so that we can be friends again. 

Love you always 


 Trying hard not to rip off this letter, which left me fuming with anger and disbelief, I placed back to where I found it. I walked slowly towards the bed, where Park slept. As I stroke her lips with the pad of my thumb, I drank the sight of her naked voluptuous body. She was so fatally sexy and dangerous. Karl had only been a friend to her, yet when he met her at my place, he pretended to be her ex-boyfriend. There was no room for doubt that Karl was that friend, whom she had been referring to as Fabien.

 Then who was Fabien? Was he her ex-boyfriend? or was he someone she made up? How could she have prepared Karl to act like her ex-boyfriend all along? All these questions gnawed the edges of my patience. The play which I thought was under my absolute control,  was actually slipping away from my hands. What I had orchestrated against her for so long, just to win her all to myself, proved to be a huge lie. 

" Pearl!" 

Her soft voice broke the stream of my thoughts. I looked towards her, realising that my thumb was still stroking her lips. She looked so irresistible. I took possession of her moist juicy lips and kissed her like there was no tomorrow. 

I had just been played. I had finally met my match. 


hey friends 

sorry for the late upload 

please enjoy 

love you 


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