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"Mr. Pearl Mace! You are up next for the interview." announced the secretary as she hurriedly came out of the interview room. 

The person that I least expected to react at this announcement was  Mr. Perfect standing right in front of me. As he raised his hand to make his presence noticed, his smug attitude got replaced by a very displeased look. It was not very hard to notice that Mr. Perfect was certainly unhappy with his name.  Pearl was definitely too girly for a manly hunk like him.  

When he turned back to face me, I could see his cheeks tinted pink. Wait what? Is this guy who was just being cocky a while ago, started blushing at the mention of his very own name? It would take some efforts for me to try to not laugh at this very moment. As he saw my puzzled expression turning into an amused one, he began taking slow menacing steps towards me. Having such a hot guy trying to get close to me did not happen on a daily basis, which is probably why my feet were froze and refused to displace my body from its position. 

He finally got a breath away from me and slid my laptop bag from his shoulder on to mine. I was so annoyed with the fact that this jackass could actually see how much affected I was by his actions. That would make me look as those easy girls that he is probably surrounded by all the time. From the corner of my eyes, I could see the other interviewees shamelessly looking straight at what was going on between the two of us. As I switched my attention back to Pearl, I was made more uncomfortable when I saw that his wide smirk was back on his handsome face. 

" Don't you have to leave?" announced Pearl, trying to seem unaware of what he has been trying to do.

For a moment I thought I'll definitely have no chance with this guy. Even if he was a nice guy, he would undoubtedly be out of my league and if he is the playboy dickheads type, he would still be not among any of my choices. So I decided to give him a taste of his own medicine.

" Certainly, Thank you for taking care of my laptop Miss Pearl! Oh. My bad!! Mr. Pearl."

Having said the above words I took my time acknowledging all the minute change of expression on his handsome face, from that dirty smirk to a puzzled and annoyed look, Mr Pearl certainly was pissed at my response. I turned away and started to walk towards the door, praying to God that he never makes it to the selection round and I do not have to see him again in RMC.

................................................................................................................................................................Hi loves, 

Hope that you guys are liking the story so far. 

I would really appreciate your views on Parker and Pearl. 

i will be trying to experiment with Pearl character and personality. he is one of the main leads, introduced so far and has a very enriching personality. I am trying to connect him to someone I know personally and he will be your favorite as the story progresses.

please keep reading and give me your views. 

Love ya all


PS: photo of Pearl above.

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