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Parker's POV

CHOICES-  Those who undermine the significance of this very word end up on a path which leads to nowhere. Right choices at the right time may sometimes not work for someone, but a bad choice, which comes to you in disguise of a blessing, undoubtedly drags you down to your downfall, leaving you bestowed upon with scars which can never be erased!

"I want to do medicine." 

This statement of mine would undoubtedly excite my parents to the core, only if it had been made 2 years ago. Saying these words now felt like a useless attempt of trying to compensate for the endless sacrifices made for so many years by my parents. But the truth was that I was trying so hard to convince myself that I was the same ideal daughter, whom my parents used to be proud of.

I have been here for 2 days now and  I have seen not the slightest sign of happiness in my house. My mum seems to be immensely relieved, while on the other hand I can see my father diligently trying to hold back his tears and pretend to be rigid and unaffected by the current situation. He has hardly spoken any words to me since I've arrived. My brother is too young to be even aware of the gravity of the situation that we all the dealing with right now. The more I look at my family the more I realize how low I  have stooped as an individual.  After all, I guess there was nothing special about me. I also ended up being a failure. A failure in my eyes, in the eyes of the whole world. 

My wish to do Medicine was not an overnight decision. Somehow it was the only decision that would drag me away from my past, but still keep me reminded of what have been the consequences of my past actions. Or should I say my past choices!

The next day my dad drove me to campus. Owing to certain high profile family friends, it was not tough to get into medical college. Determination has always been a part of me, but now it seemed like my determination had become the sole tool that I am left with. Not that I was really determined to do well. I was determined to overcome my past and still be able to dream of a peaceful life ahead. 

"How did it go?" asked my dad

" I got selected." 


This one-word response of my dad and the smile on his face brought me happiness after so many days. I felt like I had made the right choice eventually. 

" Oh. I think I forgot my laptop bag outside the interview room. I'll just get it."

Having said these words, I ran towards my future college building, elated with the fact that I had finally seen my father smile after so many days. I could not wait to tell the news to my mum. It was after all her dream to see me become a doctor.

The waiting area outside the interview room was crowded and my laptop bag was not where I had been sitting before. I scanned the people in the waiting area, which was not easy given that they were all dressed in black and white, and the fact that my laptop bag was of the same color did not help either. I mentally scolded myself of being so reckless and careless with my laptop. It was my first laptop and my first love. Amidst all this confusion, my eyes caught a glimpse of a very familiar key chain. I instantly recognized it as being the one gifted to me my best friend years back. The key chain and my laptop, the favorite of my possessions were always kept together. 

I ran towards the person holding my laptop bag. I couldn't see his face, but he had a huge frame and undoubtedly looked muscular. He was looking at his phone so intensely and had his back towards me. I tapped him twice on his back, but he did not turn. He was so much focused on his phone that he could not sense my presence. I finally proceeded to gently pull him towards me and as I did, he looked up from his phone and took my breath away!


"You smell so good, like blueberries."

"I'm sorry?"

"Blueberries! They are my favourites. I love having them all the time."

And as he completed his sentence his smirk got bigger and wider... 

................................................................................................................................................................Hello my loves, 

thanks a lot for reading my work. 

please let me know how is the first chapter. I'll definitely try writing more in the next chapters. this is my first time writing. 

love you all


PS: Picture of Parker on the side

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