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Even if it's Sunday they still have classes. Both of them studied in an expensive art design private school in LA. It was in one of the top popular arts school in California. Huening Kai had always live in the US, he started liking arts at high school and decided that he would join a designing private school. 

As for Yuna she joined that school because of a scholarship. In Korea she was one of the top students in her arts and design school, she always get good grades and because of that she got the scholarship to a few designing school but she decided to go to the US.

Both of them met at one class.. They we're partners for a runway project.. From then on they got closer, Yuna became a GBA of Iceberg because she made a very unique dress for a project and her school gave it to Iceberg. Then on she has been working for Iceberg, though not officially a designer in the team her fellow designers would still help her.

She gained popularity when her mom brought her to a New York Fashion Week.. There she became a model for Prada for a few months before focusing back on Iceberg. Since then a lot of brands and magazines started calling her to be their model. Sometimes she would refuse cause she would focus on her studies but sometimes she would accept them all. 

Huening Kai was chosen to make a design for Givenchy in order to earn his mid semester score. He gave them a beautiful design that made Givenchy wanted to hire him as their designer sadly he turned down the offer and focused on the studies. After finishing his first year in that school he decided to just work with Givenchy but not officially be in their designers team. He became the GBA of Givenchy when he became a temporary model for one of their new season launch.

Huening Kai and Yuna both got into the top 5 students out of 450 by the end of their 1st year.  Those top students got a chance to have a tour around the biggest design office in Hollywood. There they met Lia and Yeji. The four got close and Yuna and Yeji even did a collaboration. As time pass by they began hanging out with Lia and Yeji's other friend. That's where they made more friends.

The both of them got shipped a lot by their classmates, their fans even their teachers. But both of them would just say that their friends. True, they actually look like they're more than just friends but they just denied it. 

The two of them has always been close and almost everyday they see each other. Huening Kai would sometimes bought her lunch, drove her home, go to school with her or try anything just to be with her. So did she, she would always stand up for him, she would sometimes help him with his studies, she would support him in their exams. The two were like a perfect match for each other yet they just didn't see it. 

"Hyuka wait up!" Yuna ran towards him dragging her backpack. School was done cause in Sundays it's only a 6 hour class. "Where are you going?" he asked her and she did a hum before replying "I think I need to finish some homework so probably our usual spot" he nodded. She then left him and went away.


The school has its own garden, even though it was a private school it still cares a lot about elegance. The garden was beautiful and simple at the end was a separate open building like a green house but it was actually a library. Behind the library there was this secret spot where no one ever goes to. Not even the cleaning service go there. 

Huening Kai found out about that place and told Yuna about it, then it became their very own personal space. They would sometimes study in that place together. 

"15 cm above heel is similar too.." she was working on her reviews, she did quite well before someone interrupt her. She knew whom that was because only the both of them knew about that secret spot "Aren't you going home?" she asked him still focusing on her papers. 

"Me go home while my best friend is suffering with homework? Tch." hearing the word best friend made Yuna smile. He sat down beside her and helped her finish all her tasks. It took almost two hours but they manage to finish everything. 

He stood up and lend a hand for her. She then took his hand and stood up fixing her skirt. When the both of them got out of the school area Huening Kai who was walking towards the parking area noticed that Yuna was waiting for a cab. 

"Yuna! Come home with me, it's safer" she looked towards him and chuckled "Oh I'll be fine these muscles can do anything" she said showing her nonexistent muscle. He chuckled and replied "It will be more fun if you go with me" she then thought about those times where the both of them would do carpool karaoke. 

After contemplating some thought she answered "Are you sure that's like the 4th time this month" he sling an arm to her shoulder and dragged her to the parking area. "Its totally fine" he answered.

As they got to the parking area there were other students too. By their chattering the both of them knew they are the topic but just shrugged it off. Until a group of students called them out "Hyuka's got a girl now" the girl said to the others "Yeah and guess what the girl is Yuna" they all chuckled. "How could he like someone like her... it's too much to handle" they all laughed.

Huening Kai was the IT boy in that school. A lot of girls had a crush on him. He hated talking with girls cause they would just fanboy over him, until Yuna came and acted all fine towards him. He soon started growing feelings for her but he just couldn't say it. 

Yuna on the other hand was getting bullied by her classmates that was jealous of the attention that she gets from the medias and all the teachers. She being the idgaf girl just ignored it all.

Huening Kai turn turned Yuna making her surprised. The both of them were facing with the school's most hated students "So what if she's my girlfriend?" he kissed her cheek making her flinched and embarrass. The students on the other hand felt disgusted and left them.

Once they got to his car, the both of them turned shy "Sorry for that, I didn't mean too" "Yeah it's okay.." they got silent for a minute before being themselves again.

The both of them may seem normal but their hearts for sure are beating fast.


I am literally writing this at 1.30 AM in the morning and I gotta admit that my brain is working very hard at night but it stops at day..

Can't believe this.. I hope you like it tho~

I don't even know how it reached 1200 words that's amazing

Love y'all Moadzys

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