Guys and Dolls

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Jimin wasn't sure if that was vomit on his shirt or tequila. He guessed, looking at the little orange chunks on the floor, that it was probably the former of the two. Jimin had made it all but two steps out of the bar's front door before he'd hurled his insides out on a nearby bush - the leaves of which dumped Jimin's vomit onto the floor below it, drowning a particularly raunchy pair of ladybugs in murky goo.

He wiped his mouth using the back of his hand, squinting at the pink and orange hues of dawn bleeding into the sky above him. With tremendous effort, he willed his phone into his hand, tearing his light brown eyes away from the sky and the bar below it. A couple notifications flashed across the screen on top of the llama he had used as his screensaver, the fluffy animal's tongue lazily plopping off its mouth.

He wondered what the llama might have taken to look so fucking calm - then reconsidered the thought - Jimin once had a seizure after taking a drug by accident, no point in experiencing that again. So as much as he felt like the world was closing in around him and there was actual acid in his veins instead of blood, he decided that maybe asking his screensaver llama to hmu with its meds was a bad idea.

Using his thumb, Jimin scrolled past the snapchat notifications from Taehyung and the random youtube alerts that a favorite band of his had started a live. In fact, he barely read over those at all after catching sight of a message outlined in green from a contact named Asshole Jibooty Smacker.

Jimin snorted despite himself, Jungkook had stolen his phone while they watched a movie, the Bee Movie to bee precise, unBElievable I know, and had changed his contact name. Jimin, who debated changing it fifty times over, ended up only tweeking by adding asshole which turned Jungkook's asshole grin near blinding. Then some kisses followed which naturally led to Jimin casually biting Jungkook's dick a tad bit too hard to get back at him for Jimin having to explain who Asshole Jibooty Smacker might be whenever someone glanced at the notifications in his phone.

Jimin's head pounded. It was strange, so very strange, to think all of that had happened only hours ago. That he had been in Jungkook's lap, his arms around him, their banter natural and warm, on the same night as tonight. That that warmth, that stupid joy in Jungkook's stupid face made Jimin think he might -

Jimin vomited onto the floor again, a hand flying to his chest as if to stop his insides from physically spilling out of him. An usher from the bar barked at him as a couple scowled his way through the open door. Jimin mumbled an apology, willing his legs to walk. A bird from across the street cocked it's head at him, it's brown feathers ruffling with the movement and Jimin was reminded of the twins who had dealt Jieun and himself the cards. Their beady eyes and sunken cheeks, the way their heads titled in interest, their fingers clawing into the table as if their nails were talons while Jimin guessed his fourth and final card.

Asshole Jibooty Smacker
Hey Mini, did you get home safe?

10:47 pm

Jimin swallowed, reading the message again. He wondered how he didn't feel it buzzing through his pocket.

Asshole Jibooty Smacker
Hey Jimin you left your jacket.
should I drive it over?

11:03 pm

Maybe I'll just use it as a big bandaid.
You know, for the all the teeth marks 😉

11:32 pm

Jimin breathed deeply through his nose bracing himself for the final string of texts. He knew he should have made up some type of lie instead of leaving Jungkook's apartment without a single word, but he hadn't thought that far ahead. He should have, should have thought the night through, been realistic, instead of wished to play hero like some fucking marvel hero.

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