Who? You?

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"Maybe it's not about you at all." Taehyung said with a sigh before throwing the blanket off of him and standing up with a large stretch. He arched his back like a cat before settling back into into a 90's biker boy pose with his hand resting on a propped up knee. #StayGoldPonyBoy #StreamStayGold

"Look Jimin, I'm glad you're crushing on someone again since seeing you single for this long was getting kinda sad, but you're over analyzing." Taehyung rubbed his eyes a bit. Jimin scowled as his friend stood up. He ruffled Jimin's hair fondly before heading to the drawer under the kitchen island. Jimin meant to respond but instead he just turned his body on the couch to get a better view at what Taehyung was doing. Tae seemed to want to leave the conversation at that and while Jimin wanted to go hyper in depth about his feelings like a high school English discussion, he also understood that it was freaking 11:30 pm and what was meant to be a chill night was turning into a podcast of Jimin and his Boy Troubles. Which, granted, Taehyung was usually all over. But, apparently, there were some things more important that drama.

"Jimin I'm gonna go to Dunkin Donuts, I need some coffee or I'll pass out." Taehyung said as he grabbed their shared pair of car keys and swung them around his finger before rubbing his temples. "I'm sorry I can't give you any better advice dude. Work today just kinda drained me and I'm not functioning all that well. Kookie scratched this old lady after she stepped on his tail and it was a bit of a mess. In my opinion, the stupid cat had it coming."

"You're going on a coffee run? Dude it's almost midnight."

"Yeah. It helps me sleep," Taehyung said with a shrug as he got a bomber jacket to cover his full on penguin onesie. "Something about over consumption."

"That's not how coffee is supposed to work, you know that right?"

Taehyung only smiled, laughing as if his addiction to coffee was a joke, before heading over to the door. Jimin only shook his head, returning to sift through the couch cushions until he could find a comfy position. The couch always felt uneven when only one person was sitting on it. Involuntary, it made Jimin think of Jungkook - again. It was something that's been occurring a lot lately. But that's what happens when you crush on a guy, he guessed. Suddenly you can't help but think about what it'd be like to have a movie date. To cuddle and laugh about how ridiculous the plot or characters are. Talk to one another through the commercials. Feel his chest against Jimin's back. How it'd feel to turn to face him, their breathes heating against each other. To have the blanket block out the world, trapping just him and Jimin inside it until-

"Dude, Jimin-" Taehyung slammed the front door back open making Jimin jump the fuck up from his position on the couch - almost falling over in the process. He was shaking slightly, trying to get that image of himself and Jungkook out of his head as if it was poison in his veins. It felt dirty, thinking of someone that way when he didn't even know if Jungkook liked him like that. His flirting was obnoxious but how much of it is real? Tae said Jungkook not being at the construction sight had nothing to do with Jimin, but he couldn't help but feel like maybe he had a hand in it? Maybe Jungkook was avoiding him. Maybe he was mad? Hurt? Annoyed? What if he really didn't care? Was that worse? Because if that's the case then everything really had been a joke from the start.

Jimin groaned on the floor, kicking his legs in the air as he tried to get his mind to shut the fuck up. "I thought you were getting coffee!!" Jimin yelled to the ceiling. Taehyung shuffled inside, dropping a small envelope onto Jimin's face.

"I was - am. Just there was a letter in front of the door with your name on it." Taehyung cocked his head a bit before pulled back. "It's a bit weird I guess because who uses the mail - psychopaths. Psychopaths use the mail." Taehyung said as he ran a hand through his hair. His brows scrunched together and he opened his mouth to say something more before closing it and shaking his head. Taehyung sighed, turning to leave the apartment for real this time, before calling out, "Hope it's not from a stalker!"

Jimin, of course, rolled his eyes before sitting up in a criss cross apple sauce position. He let out a small sigh, flipping the envelope in his hands. It was a cream color with his name written in a thick black font and smelled oddly of something sharp, like vinegar or wine. Jimin bit the side of his lip before trying to open the back in one swoop - ending up just tearing it completely to get the piece of paper open.

He glanced up, glad Taehyung wasn't curious enough to stay and read what was written inside, because the contents made his cheeks blush madly. "Fuck you," he whispered, throwing the letter to the side and falling on his back with a loud groan. Jimin moved a hand up to rub his eyes before kicking the air again with his feet. He glanced over to the open envelope one more time, trying to decide just what the fuck to make of it.

_______A/N:Your girl has a photoshoot this week 😉😉 #StayingGold Also, Summer is moving way too fast for my liking

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Your girl has a photoshoot this week 😉😉 #StayingGold
Also, Summer is moving way too fast for my liking. Like, it's July in two days?? What the actual hell. Also, I went water skiing a couple days ago and it feels like I've been railed by multiple Russian doms. Thank you for coming to my TMI ted talk 😘😘
- Violette

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