Color Me Blue

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"Holy shit, Tae, can you run any slower?" Jimin heaved with a healthy dose of sarcasm. His meaty thighs were s-c-r-e-a-m-i-n-g, but at least he was at least trying to push himself while Kim Taehyung, on the other hand, looked like he was two steps away from face planting. They hadn't exactly run far, but Jimin's usually pale cheeks were tainted pink from the effort to catch their train before it left.

Jimin pulled at the black vneck that was now sticking to his sweaty hot Edward Cullen like chest, trying to ventilate his overheating pecks as a little sweat beaded down his rock hard abs. His friend, coworker, and roommate, Kim Taehyung, was at his side doing the same to his sleeveless Supreme hoodie.

"You know, I could have broken my foot. When we left the house," Taehyung heaved, "I tripped on my shoe lace." Taehyung's tan face fell into a deep, remorseful frown. "I could have broken my ankle then."

"I'm surprised you didn't tie your shoe laces together."

"Ah Jimin, you're right. I could have broken both my ankles." Taehyung said.

"Come on you big baby, we're almost there." Jimin said. "Just a couple more blocks to the station, right?"

Taehyung groaned in response, mustering some extra energy to push harder into the pavement using the soles of his barely kept together Timberlands.

Jimin would have laughed, honestly under any other circumstance, he would have found Taehyung struggling to do literally anything to be absolutely hilarious. But, with their older friend Seokjin expecting them, he couldn't find the strength to. The stakes were just too high. And by stakes, he meant the ones Jin would use to Salem Witch trail burn the boys if they were late to his club. Again.

Taehyung pushed forward, a good, solid sprint all the way down the current sidewalk, but then slowed once they turned the corner. Jimin's own calves giving way, his pace falling behind now as well until the blond boy put his small hands on his knees, body folding over in front of him. The tips of his bangs were beginning to stick to his glorious forehead, lashes starting to catch sweat like how water does in spider webs. The humidity of the summer day outside wasn't helping either. He glanced up, watching as Taehyung shielded his eyes from the blaring sun with one hand. His friend's dark eyes squinting to read the city street signs, looking for something Jimin couldn't quite see.

"Shit," Taehyung muttered after a moment, pulling out his phone to check google maps. "I think we turned the wrong way." Taehyung said. "Jin's going to kill us. I have literally no idea where we are." He then swore as the site reloaded before turning into a white loading screen.

Jimin sighed. The original directions to the station said about a ten minute walk - but that was about 15 minutes ago. After they started to really book it, the city streets had started to blur. Each street looked the same. Each one had some cafes on the corner, tall glass buildings hugging it's side. Cars bustling here and there, the city street lights flickering every so often. The only difference with this street than all the others would be the construction going on the other side of it.

"Hey, speaking of Jin, this is probably the only street I've seen in Seoul that doesn't have people on it. They're usually like ants." Taehyung teases, wiggling his fingers at the word ants, trying to ease the anxious feeling they were both getting in their stomach the longer they stood on the street corner. It was strange to find such an empty street, save for the construction workers bustling about in their neon vests. It didn't help that a lot of them were about Jimin and Taehyung's age. And hot. Though Jimin had bigger problems to worry about than hot construction workers.

Jimin tried not to look at the other side of the street after accidentally catching one of the construction worker's eyes. It was a brunette boy, looking like he was at least a head taller than Jimin. He had a large metal beam resting over his right shoulder as he handed it to another, paler, worker.

Jimin blushed. Then blushed harder when their eyes met for a longer moment, the stranger's golden brown ones seemed to glow against the bright sun, popping against his tan skin from working in the heat all day. Jimin looked away with a new warmth to his face, a weird flip in his stomach, and a sudden urgency to get away from this street as soon as possible. "Tae, we should just order an Uber." Jimin said, his hand moving to hold onto his elbow across his chest as he maintained an absurdly strong eye contact with Taehyung to avoid glancing at the beautiful boy across the street.

"Let me just try to load it on maps one more time." Taehyung said. He pulled out his phone again, giving Jimin an odd look from the unblinking focus the boy was currently drilling into him.

"A picture lasts longer, Jimin," Taehyung smirked.

"Fuck you."

"Aha, yes. The usual response."

Jimin heard a high pitched sound of a drill which broke his focus. He couldn't help it, he looked back at the workers - only to catch an amused smirk on the brunette boy's face. He was holding a drill in his hand aimed at the air so that the noise would echo across the street without actually drilling into anything. Jimin watched as the boy's pale friend, who was sporting the same neon orange vest, wacked him in the back of his head half heartedly which made the brunette boy laugh and actually get back to doing something more useful than teasing Jimin from across the street.

Taehyung, having heard the drill too, turned to look where Jimin was staring. He lowered his phone slowly and Jimin could practically see gears turning in his head as he spoke with a grin. "Jimin," he started, "I think you just found a faster way out of this."

"Yeah? And what's that?"

"Why don't we just go up and ask them? Come on Jimin, I dare you. Besides, what's the worst they can do? Drill you?" Jimin rolled his eyes at that, hugging his hands to his chest with an annoyed sort of pout. He thought of the brunette construction worker and his smug smile and suddenly his chest felt tight. What's the worst they can do? He thought to himself, With a cocky face like that, I'm guessing a lot.

A/N :
My A/N are not
usually this long 😂😅)

Hey there you guys!! Thanks for checking this fic out. I know we're all going through it in quarantine right now, so I thought maybe reposting this fic might help? Give you - and me - some escapism?

I actually wrote most of these chapters while I was traveling in London a year ago. Travel? I know, right now that seems crazy to even think about. But I watched a lot of love island there, had lots of Joe and The Juice, and had a really uncomfortable encounter getting catcalled twice by the same guy in one day. Since then this fic sort of formed in my head 😂👌

So please enjoy!! Let me know what you think!! I love feedback and reactions ❤️💜

- Violette

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