On The Rocks

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"H-hey." Jimin mustered out, trying to regain some composure underneath the worker's gaze. He wasn't sure if he liked the way the boy was looking back at him. It was like the world faded around the two of them; Jimin's body being the only still image the brunette boy see. It made Jimin feel itchy, so he wrapped his arms around his torso to try and shut the nervous butterflies fluttering in his stomach.

He'd never been good at starting conversations with strangers, notoriously so. One time at a party Taehyung had taken Jimin to, Jimin had tried to hit on a guy. To sum it up, his opener was "You drink coke too? That's so funny. Better to drink it than snort it am I right?" Jimin didn't like coke, the snorting or drinking kind, but the boy had a bottle in his hand and it was the first thing that came to him.

"Um.," Jimin continued shyly. "Hello." Okay, great start. "Looks like that's some great construction you got going on there." Okay not so great of a lead up. "Haha, um, okay so sorry to disturb your work here but I'm - we're" Jimin corrected, waving his hand at Taehyung " - lost and were wondering if you could tell us how to get to subway station from here?"

Taehyung, who was on the other side of the block, waved enthusiastically back with a box smile spread across his annoying face after noticing Jimin pointing him out. "My friend's terrible with directions. And pastry protection, apparently. Not that the second thing has anything to do with the first." Jimin said. He was very aware he had begun to ramble and even more aware that his cheeks were a bright red. He bit his tongue to stop from talking before he spilled all of his family secrets and the crusty crab recipe.

Jimin rocked on his feet for a moment, the brunette biting the inside of his cheek as if not to laugh. There was a certain unexpected sweet spark in his eye. A kind flare behind his sharp exterior. Jimin put his hands into the front pockets of his jeans, trying to keep the heat from showing in his cheeks. It seemed silly, to like the way that kindness brightened up his youthful face. He thought that it looked pretty good on him. "Um. So. You know....Please?" Jimin asked, trying to get his mind to tangent less and focus. He was a man on a mission after all.

"Yeah, okay." The brunette started, his voice surprisingly higher in pitch than Jimin had expected it to be, having this smooth honey like texture to it. The young construction worker leaned against one of the metal frames near him, crossing his hands in front of his chest as he slowly let his gaze pass up and down Jimin, soaking in his hips, his waist, his exposed collarbone, before settling on the boy's lips with his head tilted to the side.

He paused, letting an unsettling silence thicken between them. The sound of metal falling in the background hummed in the back of Jimin's mind, someone's drill buzzing from above them, Taehyung faintly calling out Jimin's name across the street - and yet it seemed that all Jimin could truly hear was the silence this brunette boy strung between them. "I'll tell you where the station is, beautiful." He said with a meschivious glint in his eye. "For a kiss."

"W-what." Jimin stuttered out.

"Come on love, it's just one kiss." The brunette said, taking a step towards Jimin and Jimin reflexively took one back. The boy had a grin plastered on his beautiful face. The worker was so close that Jimin could smell the tar on his fingers, see the sweat underneath his jaw, and the definition of freckles across his chest. Jimin's heart raced - but if it was because of adrenaline or fear he couldn't name.

"Sorry um-" Jimin stuttered out, but the boy was already leaning in closer, his eyes never leaving Jimin's own as he did so - daring him to walk away and yet somehow asking for permission at the same time. It was unsettling. And confusing. And kinda hot. All of which added to a lot of confusion on Jimin's flustered end.

Jimin moved his head out of the way, meaning to bolt out of there until he caught the faintest glance of Taehyung tossing his cell phone in a vibrant rage and couldn't seem to bring himself to making his friend's day any harder. He looked back at the tall brunette who was now leaning his shoulder on the beam, his brown hair unruly under the sun, as he watched Jimin with a smug little grin.

You owe me your life, Tae. Jimin thought as he took a step forward towards the construction worker. The brunette's eyes widened, his brows lifting in amused surprise. Kissing strangers. You know what. Scratch that. You owe me your life and new cupcakes.

With a quick breath, Jimin looked down at the beautiful boy's lips. He brought his small hand, pale against the other's beautifully tan skin, as he cupped the back of his sturdy neck. He could feel a pulse racing underneath his finger tips and dark brown curls brushing against his skin like gentle kisses. Jimin, with one goal in mind, found himself having to lift up on his toes to reach the other's lips. For a moment he could feel the construction worker's grin before his large hands found a hold a on Jimin's waist, helping Jimin reach up to kiss the tall asshole.

A/N: if someone could bake me
cupcakes equal to my weight I would
be a very happy women. Many cupcakes
please. I know this chapter was sort of on the shorter side but for further reference chapters will be between 800-1200 is words. Deliveree Boy length if you've read that fic of mine. I double posted today to make up for that though since you could have been taken by surprise a bit 🙌🙌

- Violette

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