Casual Encounters

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"Sorry about bringing him." Jimin said, rolling his eyes at Taehyung who punched him jokingly in the shoulder in response.

"I don't mind, I rather like this one." Jungkook said, stepping out of the way so the two boys could walk inside the house. The laughs Jimin heard only faintly before boomed now, sounding real and warm. There was an open door just down a hall where a bonfire could be seen lit up with dancing orange and red flames in the backyard of the yellow house. Around it was a wide array of beach chairs, all differing in color and size, where a group of four boys were exchanging stories and a bag of chips.

Jungkook waited until Taehyung stepped in front of them, then followed Jimin inside and closed the door behind him. His free hand casually brushed against Jimin's lower back as he led the boys to the back yard. Jimin didn't mind, the weight always surprised him, fingers heavy on his back, but the familiar feeling instantly filled him with a sense of comfort despite the nerves jumping around his chest.

Jungkook, with his hand still on Jimin's back, as if he wasn't leaning into Jimin's neck, causally said, "I'm glad you made it, Jimin. I was getting worried that those vampires might have gotten to you. I managed to fend them off, you know. After our date. Met a rather nasty one, all teeth."

Jimin couldn't help but smile, sort of giddy that Jungkook remembered Jimin's joke - which was, oh my gosh, dumb and stupid but it made him happy enough not to care. In fact, he was just happy to see him again. Texting was fun and all, and sending each other silly snaps made the days go by so much faster, but nothing was like seeing the real thing.

"Shame," Jimin retorted, "I have a bit of a thing for them. Maybe you could introduce me?" He suggested playfully.

"Losing a cute boy to a supernatural creature," Jungkook sighed, shaking his head, "Yeah that would be a new one for me." Jimin swatted at Jungkook and the taller boy smirked. It wasn't until they were standing a foot away from the fire that Jimin noticed the group of boys sprawled around it - each with red cups in their hands and goofy smiles on their faces.

Jimin noted a rather tall, broad shouldered boy, with light blue hair cut close to the sides of his face, who rested a dark wooden guitar on his knees. He stroked the chords gently as he hummed, glancing up every now and then to laugh at something one of the others said.

He wore a shirt that had no sleeves, revealing stark tan lines from working in the sun. Next to him Jimin recognized Min Yoongi, a shorter pale man who rested his elbows on his knees as he subtlety took in the scene around him. The shadows of the fire flickered across his square face beautifully, casting his features both in light and shadow. Taehyung seemed to notice, his dark eyes lingering on Yoongi.

The boy with the guitar looked up, he looked older up close, maybe a couple years older than Jungkook. In fact most of the boys circled around the fire looked well into their twenties, but Jungkook looked comfortable, like he didn't find that odd in the slightest. "So this is the secret boy toy you've been hiding from us." The guitar player said, reaching a hand out to Jimin who nervously shook it. It was sturdy and calloused.

"I'm Jackson. Mi casa est tu casa." He said, gesturing to the cooler near his feet, the fire, and the fairy lights strung up above them. "Take a seat, I'm about to perform my best magic trick: making Yoongi is smile."

"It's not hard," Yoongi shrugged, "You're just not funny."

"Now that," Jackson pointed his guitar pick in Jackson's direction accusingly, looking at Jimin as if he was already in on the joke, "That's hurtful. And incorrect. I'm hilarious, aren't I Jimin?"

Jimin nodded, leaning into Jungkook's touch, his hand now making gentle circles on his lower back. He looked up to see the boy's stupid grin poking at the edge of his lips. Jackson cracked a smile and victoriously poked his guitar pick at Yoongi again. Jimin was worried he was about to flick it at him when Yoongi shrugged, leaning back into his chair, the cheap plastic giving a little squeak with the movement.

"I'm not one to lie." Yoongi said matter of factly. "Hate to break it to you, buddy, but you're no Kurtis Connor."

Jackson cracked his knuckles, mouth the words watch this to Jimin and Taehyung excitedly before starting up a tune Jimin had never heard on his guitar. Three bars in was all it took for Yoongi to do it, to actually smile. It was small, but whatever the song was, Yoongi seemed genuinely amused.

Taehyung oribitted toward Yoongi, plopping down next to the open chair next to him like he had been plopping down there his entire life. When Yoongi gave a side eye, Taehyung pretended to be surprised, his mouth opened in feigned shock but his eyes stayed intent, almost like he was daring the pale boy to say something. Taehyung swung his leg over the arm of the chair, sprawled out, and clasped his hands in front of him. When he lifted his brows at Yoongi, Yoongi actually laughed.

"Now that is just not fair," Jackson said, completely at a loss.

Jungkook cast a side glance at Taehyung, who's feet were dangling and brows still raised, and couldn't hide the fact that even he was impressed. Yoongi wasn't exactly a dick, but the guy wasn't super expressive.

"The war, my friend." Jungkook said in some strange Monty Python impression, giving his attention back to Jackson, "Lost the battle, not the war."

Jackson laughed at that warm-heartedly and started playing again as Jungkook placed his drink down on the ground and the sat between Jackson and two skinny, bright eyes twin boys who were scrolling through tinder using the same account.

Jimin smiled shyly as looked for an open seat. Before he could find one, Jungkook's hands naturally found a place on his waist, swept him up, and placed Jimin into his lap as if it was the most natural movement in the world. In fact, it was so clean, that Jimin wondered if maybe, for Jungkook, it was.

A/N: Hey guys so how are you liking the fic so far?? This will definitely be a long one, I'm thinking like 40-50 chapters, which is kinda crazy for me personally because I haven't written a story that length since Princess Princess. Actually, the whole experience has been crazy.

Also, I started watching Euphoria


- Violette

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