(Extra part) Lovely Day for a Wedding

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"From the moment they had fallen over on that hike so may years ago, I knew Dirk and Jake had fallen in love..." Dave sat hunched over a stack of index cards wearing a tuxedo and erasing furiously."Gog, that sounds stupid...what do you think, John?" Dave looked across the room at his husband."I think you are worrying about this too much." John laughed. "Hey, I didn't ask to be the best man at my brother's wedding! In fact, I think he is just using this to torture me." John laughed again."Stop it, John, I actually need help. I sort of want to do a good job...I am actually happy for that piece of shit. My speech has to be funny and ironic, and not to sentimental...and fuuuuuckk." Dave sighed as he plopped down into a chair."You will do fine. You are Dave Egbert for gosh sakes." John smirked, he loved to remind Dave that his name was 900% less cool now, but he secretly liked the way it sounded. Dave threw a pillow at him."I bet you are excited to see Bro again." Dave snickered. John shuddered, probably remembering his previous mortifying encounters with Bro."Whatever, come on, we need to get going if you don't want to be late."Oh shit, yeah." Dave looked at the clock, and quickly threw on his shades, he had made a habit of leaving them off while he was at home, John said he liked being able to see Dave's eyes.
They were driving to the park where the wedding was going to be held and chatting about the fall California weather when John suddenly got really serious."Dave, we made it." He turned to his partner."Nope, your weird Gps thing says we still have five miles." Dave responded, not understanding what John meant."No, dummy, I mean we like we are married, we are living together, we both have great jobs, we are going to Jake and Dirk's wedding! Did you ever think this would be your life?" John exclaimed. Dave smiled slightly."Well before I met you, I figured I would just be a lonely millionaire porn puppet salesman like Bro, but you kinda fucked up all my plans." Dave responded, and John punched him in the arm, but quickly returned his attention to the road."Well, you kinda fucked up my sexuality, so I think we are even." John chuckled as they rolled up to the parking area."Whatever, Egderp, we have no time to argue your davesexuality, we have a wedding to go to." Dave said, opening the car door for John and linking their arms together formally."So let us be off."

And the wedding was awesome and everything was happy and Roxy was the maid of honor and the cake was made by Jane and all the peeps were there and Bro embarrassed Dirk and it was a perfect day and then they had a great honeymoon and they lived happily ever after forever and John came home ten dollars richer. ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ The End.

Thanks for reading :3

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