The Last Day of Summer

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John was leaving tomorrow. As many times as he tried to push that thought to the back of his mind, it always resurfaced, and it made Dave fucking sad. John made him promise that they would just have fun today and not think about it, and Dave decided that keeping busy would be the best way to avoid doing something totally uncool. At the moment that thing that kept him busy was filling up water balloons and nerf water guns with Rose and Jade. They chatted amongst themselves until Jade left to go check on the campers doing arts and crafts."Why so quiet Dave?" Rose inquired."I have nothing to say." Dave returned, staring down as he tied the end of a water balloon."You always have something to say." She was ready to give Dave a therapy secession, and honestly that was the last thing he wanted right now."Oh, come on Dave, you know I know why you are upset." Rose looked at him sympathetically, he hated when she did that."No, you really don't. Fuck off." He spat." Oh wow, so defensive." Rose smiled smugly as she continued to tie another balloon."I had a similar discussion with your brother earlier in the week. I noticed Jake wasn't speaking to him." She paused to fill up two water pistols."And you two are more similar than you might think." Yeah, Dave had heard that one before, he and Dirk were often confused to be twins, Dirk only being a year older than him, but it annoyed Dave when they were told that they were similar in personality."No, we are not. He likes robots and anime shit." Dave glared at her behind his shades."What I am attempting to say is that you both hide your emotions like it is a sin to show them. The person who raised you must be an awful human being to teach you two to never show emotion." She stated. Bro was majorly fucked up, but that was none of her business. "We are not going to discuss my childhood." He responded."No, but we are going to discuss John." Rose looked at him seriously. "Do you love him?" Dave felt himself blush, it was so easy to say that to John, but telling it to another person just felt embarrassing. If bro ever found about Dave being in love, he would never stop teasing him."Yeah, sure, whatever." Dave was suddenly really interested in filling up more balloons. "So which one is it, yeah, sure, or whatever?" Rose questioned smugly."Fine, yeah I love him, I get butterflies when I see him, he makes me want to be a better person, and he is my beautiful man princess. Is that what you wanted to hear?" Dave spat out sarcastically, although he may have actually truly meant a some of that. Rose giggled,"Can't wait for the wedding." She smiled. "You are not fucking invited." Dave attempted to stay serious, he was supposed to be annoyed with Rose, but talking to her about it did sort of make him feel better; Rose was like the sister he never had. She didn't need to know that though.
"Well, I think this should be sufficient." Rose stood up, looking at the mountain of balloons they had filled in the kiddie pool Roxy had given them. Dave finished trying his last balloon and admired their work."Alright, I'll go tell Roxy that we finished. She will want to start the water fight soon." Dave walked into the rec building and began looking for Roxy, who was attempting to help some kids with their lanyards."Hey we are finished with the water stuff." He reported. Roxy jumped up to face him."Awesome!" She said to before turning to the campers,"Alright, all campers get ready for a water fight in 10 minutes!" She shouted excitedly. The campers cheered and began scurrying to their cabins to change into swim suits. Dave was already wearing his swim trunks so he sat outside waiting when noticed John walking over to him,"Sup, ready to be defeated by me?" Dave greeted John smugly."Oh Dave, you poor boy, you have never seen me in a water fight." John smiled evilly and leaned in, lowering his voice to a whisper."I will destroy all who stand in my way." His face was centimeters away."boop." John said laughing as he tapped Dave on the nose."Let's go get a squirt gun before the good ones are gone." He said, pulling Dave over to the arsenal of water weapons. Dirk, Jake and several campers were already digging through the weapons. Jake was holding up two water pistols and apparently saying something to Dirk, who was rifling through, probably hoping for a water katana. Jade was holding a large fancy looking 'super soaker', which kinda made him want to make a dick joke, but he refrained himself...for the children. Once everyone had chosen their weapons, and the water balloons had been pulled to the starting point at the shore of the lake, Roxy blew her whistle for the game to start. Dave dodged the water balloons easily, but was hit by multiple streams from water guns. He aimed blindly at people as he searched through the crow for John. On the way, he was able to hit Dirk in the head with a water balloon, and soaked his hair, which felt pretty good. Dave was standing by the dock when he was hit in the back by a water balloon."Looking for me?" John laughed, and Dave was hit again as he ran up onto the dock."shit" he gasped as he was sprayed with another round of cold water. Dave backed onto the dock at gun point, he attempted to shoot John, only to find that he was out of water. He was at the end of the dock when he realized John's plan."You know what I have to do, right." John whispered smugly."Any last words?" He asked."bite me." Dave said, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him into the lake as they fell in. Dave felt his sunglasses fall off, and he stood up in the neck-deep water. John fake pouted."Come on Dave, you couldn't just let me have my moment?" Dave smiled, he pulled John underwater, kissing him, and in that moment, everything felt perfect, like he was living in a song. However, they weren't mermaids, and he and John soon came up gasping for air. Dave found his sunglasses and pulled them onto his face."Now if you will excuse me, John, we have to go dump a bucket of ice water on Karkat, I have a promise to keep to Terezi." Dave collected his weapons as he stood up and pulled John towards the shore. "Hey, Dave, I love you." John laughed."Hey, John." Dave mimicked," I know."

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