Prep for Prom

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The next week went by in a whirlwind of hiking, crafts, archery, and preparing for the camp prom in any of their free time. Needless to say, John was busy, but he was always able to make time to hang out with Jade, Rose, and Dave, although he found 'hanging out' with Dave usually led to making out in a bathroom or closet. Dave was basically John's dream boyfriend, he was amazing in bed, like that whole personality switch day, John would love to relive that. But Dave was also just amazing in general; he really does try to pull off the whole "I'm too cool for that" but John has seen his other side. The side that picks windflowers for you, the side that gently kisses your forehead in the morning, and teaches you to dance and how to wield a sword.
John loved him, but he didn't want to love, him because as he watched the second week fly by, he saw the unavoidable end coming closer and closer. He wasn't sure he would be able to handle getting on that bus and leaving to go back to Washington. He was snapped out of his thought bubble by an excited Roxy with a megaphone."Keep on hanging those lanterns, John!" Oh yeah, hanging lanterns, John stood on a ladder, and was tying paper lanterns to a tree in the center of the cement courtyard. Dave had already finished the surrounding trees, which only frustrated John more."You really suck at this John. Let me try!" Jade yelled from the bottom of the ladder."Fine, I'll just go help Dirk with putting out the equipment", John climbed down the ladder dejectedly. He walked into the rec room where Dirk had finished some old disco lights, and was now adjusting the legs of one of the many tables and chairs he had brought out of the supply room. John noticed that in another corner of the room, it looked like someone had set up a formal clothing store. Kanaya and Porrim were diligently finishing up the garments, it still confused John on how on earth they had created suits and dresses for all the campers with limited material and in such a short amount of time. John walked up to Dirk, who hardly noticed his presence.
"Uhh...need any help?" John asked awkwardly."Yeah, actually, hold this leg." Dirk responded. John squatted down to hold it in place while Dirk did...whatever he was doing with the screw driver. Dirk suddenly broke the silence,"So, have you two been using protection?" he inquired straightforwardly."What?!" John gave Dirk a horrified look, feeling a blush cover his face."Oh don't play innocent. Everyone knows you two are fucking." Dirk looked at John with a pokerfaced expression."I...we..." John stuttered."and which one of you tops? My money is on Dave, but I can see him taking up the ass."John wanted to disappear,"I...Dave..." he was cut off by Dave walking into the room."Is Dirk bothering you John?" Dave questioned."No, I was just inquiring about your sex life." Dirk replied calmly."I imagine you have your own to worry about..." Oh my gog, John thought, was he talking about Jake? Nope John didn't want to think about it, well now he can't stop thinking about it."I am just curious" Dirk still looked as if he could care less, Dave however, looked ready to punch him in the face; but he seemed to think better of it and instead put on his pokerface and took a step back."Yes we use protection, I brought condoms. Yes we have done anal, I top, John bottoms...normally." Dave retorted bluntly."and no we don't want to have a threesome...or foursome." He added. He had been talking loudly enough for Kanaya and Porrim to hear, but their only response was muffled laughter and an 'I called it'."Thanks Dave, now, I have to go collect some money from Jake and Roxy." Dirk set down his screw driver and sauntered out of the room.
John sighed,"Um...Is he always such...","A piece of shit?" Dave finished the sentence. "Yeah, but I mean, he is my brother, so I'm kinda used to it. I'm sort of a piece of shit too, so is my older brother; probably genetic. He cares about me, and pestering you is his way of congratulating us on a happy relationship." Dave explained awkwardly."It's okay," John laughed,"I think I could get used to it, if it means I get to be with you." He smiled sweetly at Dave, who just nodded in response, but John saw the hint of a smile on his lips, and that was all he needed.
They were walking back to their cabin to put on the outfits Kanaya and Porrim had created for them, when Dave broke the silence."John, there is something we need to talk about, seriously, there is only a week and a half left for us after today. So what is going to become of us?" So, this is how it's going to happen, there is no way a guy like Dave would want to have a long distance relationship."Dave, mabey we could...after we graduate in a year..." John started to fumble with his words."Who am I kidding? Why would you want to continue this anyway...just a stupid summer love." John felt tears form in the corners of his eyes."You really are an idiot, Egderp. I would rather suck a puppet dick than never see you again after this." Dave responded."Really?" John felt his heart skip a beat."Fuck yeah...I love you." Dave pulled John's small body into his."I love you too," John muttered into Dave's shirt, he smelled like pine."We can skype and like text and stuff, right? It will work, right?" John added after a pause."Yes, John, I don't know what it is, I have been with plenty of guys and girls, but you aren't like any of them. You are real, you are one of a fucking kind, I know that shit is cliché, but I don't care. And I swear to god, I will fucking Skype you every day until I can see your derpy smile in person again." John felt tears in his eyes again, but not from sadness, as he stood up on his toes to press his lips against Dave's."Now, let's get ready for prom." Dave smirked, and John couldn't help but laugh.

JohnDave / DirkJake Camp AUWhere stories live. Discover now