Sunrise Surprise

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"MORNING CHAP" a very excited british accent awoke Dirk from his peaceful sleep. A wide eyed Dirk shot upright is bed stopping about an inch away from the face of his fellow counselor."Whoa your eyes are orange, how cool is that!" Jake said as Dirk fumbled to put his shades back on."What the actual fuck, where am I?"a still sleep delusional Dirk questioned. "Camp, remember?""oh yeah.." He remembered the
previous events: arriving, hot english roommate, dinner, the guy Dave is probably gonna fuck, going to sleep, and now this." Now please explain to me, why the fuck I have been awoken at 5:00, because it is still totally dark out." Dirk questioned further as Jake laced up a pair of brown hiking boots."Well duh! It's our first full day here, so we get to hike up the mountains and see the sun rise, it will be absolutely magnificent!" Jake stated cheerfully."Right, awesome" Dirk pulled on the dark green beaver group tee shirt and a pair of jeans. Ugh, green was really not his color, it did however look amazing on Jake. What Dirk also suddenly noticed was that there was another thing that looked great, the pair of short shorts he was wearing. Damn, where does a guy even buy those, Dirk questioned to himself, before tearing his eyes away from the godly ass and packing his backpack.
They walked out of the cabin and started heading to their meeting spot Jake was practically hopping up and down, saying how he couldn't wait for their first adventure together. As they found the group marked beavers they were crowded by six enthusiastic children. Dirk looked over the name tags: Mituna, who seemed to having a spaz attack and was jumping up and down while holding hands with a girl named Latula, Areana, Kankri, who seemed to be giving some sort speech to another boy named Cronus who covered his ears unhappily, and Porrim. Who was even naming kids these days?"Hello chaps! My name is Jake and this is Dirk! We will be your group counselors!" Jake said with a grin," Now who's ready for a fantastic adventure!" The other three groups, the Hawks, Snakes, and Deer, were gathering here as well, Dirk spotted Roxy and another girl addressing a group of similar age kids. Across the meeting area Dirk saw John giving a similar speech to the Hawk group while Dave stared at him, it was even obvious through his shades that he was giving John heart eyes. Dirk would be sure to tease him about it later, but for now he had his own problems. Jake grabbed his arm "This is going to be so much fun!"

JohnDave / DirkJake Camp AUWhere stories live. Discover now