Crisis Averted

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Jake didn't like hiking, he loved it! I mean, it wasn't exploring an ancient temple, but it was a close second, and on this particular hike he had an interesting new addition. A tall, lean, blonde, with a pair of pointy anime shades and a love of using profanity. He could do without that last part, and had already had to stop Dirk from damaging the young minds of their campers several times. Although it probably did little to nothing, as a boy in his cousin John's group had for the past hour and a half been screeching profanity that could shock a sailor.
As they climbed the to the top of the slope, the rising sun washed over them in a curtain in orange and golden light as they overlooked the valley below them, it was a sight Jake could, in all his years of attending the camp, never get tired of seeing. He turned to see that even John's pokerfaced partner looked awed with the beauty of the
scenery. Even the talkative camper Kankri had stopped to stare. When he turned to look at Dirk, he noticed that Dirk had already been looking at him, or mabey it just looked like that because of his sunglasses, uuurg, Jake suddenly had the impulse to pull them off his face and look at those orange eyes, those strange orange eyes, almost the same color as the sunrise... Jake stopped himself, he is your friend, you hardly even know this guy, you can't have feelings for someone that fast."Whatcha, thinking about Jakeyy?" Jake heard Roxy say from right behind him."oh, uh, hey Roxy? How are you?" "You didn't answer my question." She smiled." Whacha thinking about." Roxy had known Jake long enough to know what he was thinking about." It's the new guy right? Diiiirrrrrkk, right?" Roxy smirked deviously." No, I don't know what you are talking about. I hardly even know him!" Jake glanced nervously across the path at Dirk, who was laughing at a blushing and defensive Dave." Whatever, Jake, even Jane can tell you have a crush. Anyway, tell your group it's time to go, we're going to start heading down the hill." Roxy smiled and skipped off smugly.
"Alrighty chums! Time to be making our way down the slope!" Jake started walking down the slope behind Dirk. However, distracted by his own thoughts he tripped down a steeper area, toppling over on to a surprised Dirk. Dirk grabbed on to Jake in an awkward attempt to try and stop their fall, but only succeeded in groping Jakes butt. "Oh Devilfucking Dickens" Jake flustered as they came crashing on to the ground. Dirk wasn't any better off muttering "sorry, fuck, fuck, sorry." While still holding a vice like grip on Jake's butt. Both of their glasses had been knocked off in the fall and Jake found himself once again staring into those unnaturally orange eyes for what seemed like centuries, both of their faces turning a bright crimson. This might have gone on for another 5 hours if someone hadn't shouted "Get out of the path gay fuckasses! Some of us actually want to get down the hill sometime this year!"
Dirk awkwardly released Jake and helped him up, and to Jakes surprise, Dirk laughed, Jake couldn't help but laugh with him, the situation had been kind of funny, if not utterly embarrassing."I can't believe that actually just happened!" They laughed as they walked down the hill."Gadzooks, I thought my butt might suffer extensive damage, the way you were holding on to it!" Jake snorted, glad that it wasn't awkward, even the campers were laughing and telling them how funny they were. Crises averted, however, this was only the first day, and Jake had a feeling that this was going to be a very embarrassing month for both him and Dirk.

JohnDave / DirkJake Camp AUWhere stories live. Discover now