A Night To Remember (Warning:Lemon)

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Dirk stood in front of the mirror awkwardly. The tuxedo he was wearing was hardly what he was used to, the formal black coat and pants looked out of place with the orange converse on his feet, but hey at least the orange tie matched them. Jake, on the other hand, looked amazing, although, for some reason, his tux had shorts instead of pants, but Dirk wasn't complaining. The light in the room was fading, and Jake switched on the lamp as he struggled with his bow tie."Here, let me." Dirk walked over and tied it for him, his hands brushing gently against Jake's neck. Being this close to him still gave Dirk a rush, and he felt his face grow warm as he made the mistake of looking up into those forest green eyes."So want to make out?" Dirk smirked."Oh god yes." Jake replied.
About a half hour of making out and then attempting to fix their outfits later, Jake and Dirk had gathered their well dressed campers and were walking them down to the cement courtyard where the were holding the prom. When they arrived, Dirk gave Jake a quick wave before hopping up on to the stage where he had set up his laptop and sound equipment. It sucked that they couldn't be together the entire night, but Dirk still had plans to make this thing hella romantic. Now that many of the other campers were arriving, Dirk started doing the music. The campers seemed to be enjoying themselves, some dancing, some eating the confections Jane had made, some standing unsociably off to the side. Yep, things were going well. He saw Jake next to Roxy and Jane, politely attempting to refuse to dance, before being pulled onto the dance floor by an overly enthusiastic Roxy.
A few hours had passed, Dirk had been able to check on Jake a few times though out the night, and now it was about time for the last slow dance. He pressed play and the first "Stairway to Heaven" burst through the speakers. Jake had once told him that he hated this song, so what better song to dance romantically to? Dirk hopped down from stage and pulled Jake on to the dance floor where some campers had already started dancing. Among the couples Dirk noticed Dave and John as well as Rose and the camper Kanaya, that's new, he thought to himself. They danced in their slow repeating patter for what felt like an eternity, Dirk was deep in the forest of Jake's eyes as they reflected the light of the lanterns around them. He was so wrapped up in the heat of the moment that when the song ended, he couldn't stop himself from leaning in and kissing Jake...right in front of everyone...
As they walked off the dance floor awkwardly, Roxy was practically hopping up and down, shaking Jane by the arm."I told you they liked each other, Janey, I told you!" Roxy giggled,"Yep, you certainly did," Jane responded bashfully, suddenly very interested in the ground. Jake looked like he wanted to evaporate as Roxy hugged him."I'm so proud of you Jakey, and you too Dirky." She said, pulling Dirk into the group hug. Jake laughed nervously, looking at Dirk, who couldn't help but smile. Maybe people knowing about them won't be as bad as he thought.
"Soo, since we put on a successful prom, the counselors are going to meet up at my cabin for a celebratory drink!" Roxy invited cheerfully."We are all underage, Roxy, you know this..." Jake sighed."Don't be such a square Jakey, I'll see you guys there in ten." She laughed as she skipped away, pulling Jane along with her. Dirk shrugged at Jake, who just laughed in response.
After they had walked the campers back to their respectable cabins, Dirk suggested that they go back to their cabin and go make out more."Oh, come on Dirk! Let's go to Roxy's party! It will probably be a riot of a time!" Jake laughed, pulling Dirk up the hill to Roxy's cabin. When they walked in, all of the other counselors were already sitting on the floor in a circle, most of them had red solo cups next to them, and Roxy was just drinking straight out of a bottle of vodka."Hey guys!" Roxy greeted,"We are playing truth or daaaareeeee. Sit down!" Dirk sighed, sitting on the floor next to Roxy and Jake. "Yay, okay, sooo who wants to go first!" It was clear that many of the counselors were reluctant to play this ridiculous game."I'll go, truth!" John offered, he had already downed his cup. Dave looked nervous, probably due to the fact that John's truth or dare would definitely involve him. Roxy smirked,"What is the best sex you have ever had with Dave?" She asked, giggling. Dave looked fearful but John answered shamelessly none the less."Well once he had to do whatever I wanted, so he had to be me, and I had to be him, and then I topped, which was fun, and then he was like moaning and..." Dave cut John off,"That is enough of that story, John." Dave said as the circle erupted with laughter."I get ask someone now, right?" John said excitedly, still drunkly oblivious to Dave's discontent.
The game continued on with more and more embarrassment, as well as more and more drinking, until they were left in the cabin with three empty bottles of vodka, a half naked Dave, Roxy soaking wet and wearing a blanket cape passed out on the floor and the rest of the counselors in other various stages of disarray. Dirk's mind felt fuzzy, and he found himself talking to Jake. The words wouldn't stop flowing out of his mouth as he talked to Jake, who didn't seem to be nearly as drunk as Dirk."Jake, you are so hot." Dirk said out loud, feeling a sudden rush of confidence. Jake looked was blushing madly and seemed to not be able to find the right response."Let's go." Dirk pulled Jake out the door ad to their cabin."I am gonna fuck that ass so hard." Dirk smirked, his own southern drawl appearing as it usually did when he was drunk.
"Uhh...Dirk" Jake squeaked as Dirk pushed him into the cabin, pressing him agianst the wall and kissing him passionately, he tasted like vodka and cake."Oh...Dirk.." Jake moaned into the kiss. Dirk felt Jake's hips grind against his; Dirk felt his dick grow increasingly hard."Jaaakkkkeee" Dirk groaned, unbuttoning his partner's shirt as Jake did the same to him. He felt Jake's lips on his neck, hot breath against his skin. He nibbled Dirk's shoulder lightly, then bit down hard enough to draw blood, winning a loud moan from Dirk. Jake began to remove his own pants, and Dirk did the same. He palmed his partner's hardened member through his boxers before pulling them off and bending down to take it into his mouth. Jake made a noise somewhere between a squeak and a husky moan and Dirk swirled his tongue around the staff."Dirk.." Jake breathed heavily."Just fuck me already." Dirk stood up, whispering into Jake's ear."What's the magic word?" He smirked."Christ on Biscuit, PLESE fuck me already." Jake groaned. Dirk reached over to his set drawers and pulled out the lube Dave had let him borrow. Coating his hand before inserting a finger into Jake, who groaned and pushed his hands against the wall. "Devilfuckingdickens." He murmured as Dirk added a second and third finger. Once he felt ready, Dirk entered with his now ridiculously hard dick. Jake moaned loudly as he thrusted faster into him."Uhhhh, don't stop Dirk, faster." Jake growled as he attempted to grip the wall for support. Dirk sped up his pace, and Jake arched his back,"Diiirrrrkkkkk" he moaned, cumming on to the wall."Jaaake" Dirk groaned breathily, his orgasm taking over him as they collapsed on to the floor. Dirk kissed Jake again before pulling him up and into the bed. They lay in the bed, still kissing each other lightly."I love you, Jake." Dirk whispered."I love you too, Dirk." Jake mumbled into Dirk's shoulder as they held each other close.

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