Chapter 26

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She saw thick, red blood. She heard mangled screams and shouts. She smelt fear. Fear all around her. In her companions and their enemies. Everyone was scared. Nobody knew how this battle would end and it scared them all. Nonetheless, they fought with their hearts. They fought to the death. They fought defending that which the love most. They fought for family, they fought for love, and they fought with honor.

"Dain," Thorin shouts over the commotion.

"Thorin! Hold on! I'm coming!" Dain shouts as he kills orcs that shield him from his kin. "Hey cousin, what took you so long?" Thorin chuckles lightly at his pigheaded relative and they share a brief embrace. "There's too many of these buggers, Thorin. I hope you've got a plan."

"Aye, we're going to take out their leader," Thorin replies determinedly.

"Azog?" Dain clarifies.

"I'm going to kill that piece of filth," Thorin growls.

"Lead on!" Dwalin shouts as he takes his place beside his king.

"Fili, Kili!" Thorin calls.

"Let me come too!" Urzoth shouts, having been eaves dropping on their conversation. Thorin looks at her skeptically. "He is my father. I deserve to be there."

Thorin's eyes narrow at her. He'd always suspected this, but hearing it out loud makes him uneasy. He has a million questions to ask her, the most important one being of her true purpose in the company. However, he deems it not to be the right time. They are in the midst of battle, after all. Whatever her mission was, she's clearly abandoned it. The courting braid in her hair, as well as the tattoo peaking out from under her arm, confirm this. It is clear she loves his nephew. He has faith that she is truly on their side, so he nods his head in agreement.

With this, the quintet find themselves a group of rams to ride up Ravenhill. Orcs get trampled as confidence is gained. The group is powerful and determined. Urzoth is prepared. She is ready to face her father, to declare her loyalty to those she loves. She is ready to admit her traitorous acts and fight against those who raised her. She is ready for the future.

"Where is he? It looks empty. I think Azog has fled!" Fili announces after they kill the remaining fleeing orcs.

"I don't think so," Thorin mumbles, eyes glued to the spot the Defiler once stood. He then turns to his companions. "Fili, take your brother. Scout out the towers. Keep low and out of sight. If you see something, report back, do not engage. Do you understand?"

Fili nods as screeches are heard from the north. "We have company. Goblin mercenaries. No more than a hundred," Dwalin informs them.

"We'll take care of them. Go! Go!" Thorin shouts.

Fili nods again and begins to jog down the cliff, towards the towers. Kili hesitates, glancing at Urzoth worriedly. He does not want to leave her. This battle is dangerous, they both know it. Azog will be looking to kill Kili, and once he finds out where her loyalties lie, he will surely be after Urzoth as well. It hurts them both to split up.

"Go. I'll be okay. We'll reunite soon," Urzoth whispers, despite the small ache in her heart. Kili hesitates, before kissing her briefly and following after her brother.

Urzoth jumps into battle beside Thorin and Dwalin. They quickly and easily take down the goblins, being experts at killing the creatures after their experience in goblin town. All is silent after that. The three stand at the edge of their cliff apprehensively. Fili and Kili have been gone an awfully long time. Almost too long. They all practically jump off the edge when Bilbo appears behind them.

"Thorin!" the hobbit shouts.

"Bilbo!" Thorin replies in relief.

"You have to leave here. Now! Azog has another army attacking from the north. This watchtower will be completely surrounded, there'll be no way out," Bilbo speaks quickly and urgently.

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