Chapter 22

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The dwarves finally wake just as the sun begins to peek over the horizon. Urzoth's glad for this because her stomach was beginning to growl with hunger. The groups quickly skins and roasts the squirrels she caught the night prior before setting back out towards the mountain. They eat their meal along the way. The final trek up to the lonely mountain doesn't take as long as their boat ride, and they arrive at its gates around noon.

The place is empty and lacks any form of life of any kind. No rats running across the empty corridors, no spiders crawling up the walls, no signs of their companions. It is in complete ruin and greatly reeks of dragon. Worry floods every one of them, for the possibility of their friends and family having not made it creeps across their minds. In desperation, Bofur takes off into the corridors, quickly followed by the rest.

"Hello! Bombur! Bifur! Anybody!" The hatted dwarf calls out desperately.

They continue to trot down a large staircase when they hear a faint voice calling out to them. "Wait! Wait!"

"It's Bilbo! He's alive!" Bofur announces excitedly just as the hobbit begins climbing the steps towards them.

"Stop! Stop! Stop! You need to leave. We all need to leave," the hobbit shouts frantically.

"We only just got here," Bofur begins to protest, but Bilbo quickly shuts him up.

"I tried talking to him, but he wont listen!"

"Wh-What do you mean, laddie?" Oin says, confused.

"Thorin! Thorin. Thorin, he's been down there for days. He doesn't sleep, he barely eats. He's not himself, not at all. It's this place. I think a sickness lies upon it," Bilbo explains hurriedly, almost as if he being watched by a dangerous enemy.

"A sickness? What kind of sickness?" Kili asks, clutching Urzoth's hand tightly.

It sends a shiver up her spine. She's heard the tales of what gold can do to a person. Greed; it can consume a person. It captivates the mind and poisons it, deeming a person unable to distinguish right from wrong.It will make them do cruel and horrible things. What's worse, there's no cure. This horrible disease will likely follow Thorin to his grave.

Out of the corner of his eye, Fili sees a golden light. Upon further inspection, he see's the source of the light to be gold. Mounds upon mounds of gold sitting in the caverns below cast their warm glow upon them. It captivates him, though not for reasons common to that of gold's mischief. Another sight catches his eye as he gazes upon the hoard. He spots his beloved uncle walking amongst the riches, an evil grin on his face. It's dread that brings Fili to race down the stairs.

"Fili? Fili!" Bilbo calls after him.

The group of them follow the blonde prince down the stairs and into the great golden hall. They stare in awe at the welcoming sea of gold. Standing in the center is Thorin, dark fur robes adorn his back and a golden crown sits delicately upon his head. He looks rich. he looks powerful. He looks evil.

"Gold. Gold beyond measure, beyond sorrow and grief," he mumbles to himself. He allows his finger tips, which are covered in beautiful rings, to briskly glide upon the treasure. Glancing up at the newcomers, he smiles brightly, "Behold, the great treasure hoard of Thror!" He tosses a bright red ruby that Fili easily catches. "Welcome, my sister's sons, to the kingdom of Erebor."

Nervous glances are exchanged between the small group gathered. They are all horrified to see the dwarf king in this state of mind. Bilbo's words held true, Thorin is sick, very sick. He is, debatably, worse than Kili was. At least Kili had the sweet release of death if it came to it. Thorin does not. Thorin's mind will forever be poisoned.

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