Chapter 14

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They stayed like that for many hours. Urzoth's mind and body slowly started to relax as she laid in Kili's tight embrace. The once screaming cuts across her arms and back quieted to a small his, and the memories of her torture, both old and new, lowly faded to the back of her mind. In Kili's arms, she felt safe. In his arms, she felt at home, but it wasn't the same feeling she got from home she was raised in. This feeling of home was warm and loving. She much preferred this idea of home.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Kili asks softly after her sobs had long ceased.

Urzoth shifts in his arms sitting up to face him. She thinks for a moment before shaking her head, "No. I don't think I'm ready to talk about what I just experienced."

"Alright," Kili answers lovingly.

The she orc stands up and moves to a corner. Kili nearly whimpers at the loss of contact, but fortunately he's able to stop himself. Urzoth's body protests her movements, as her whole body aches from the torture she just endured. She slowly makes her way to the bench and sits down. She winces in pain as she leans back on the stone wall; although the coldness of the rock cools the cuts on her back, they also cause her more pain as small bits of gravel and dust find their way into the wounds.

Kili watches her, sadness enveloping him. She is in so much pain and there is nothing he can do to help, given their current situation. All he can do is offer her his love and affection. He stands up and goes over to the bench, taking a seat beside her. She doesn't notice, as her eyes are squeezed shut in order to suppress the pain. He hesitantly puts his hand on hers, which causes her to flinch. She opens her eyes and they meet his. Their fingers lace together; Urzoth ignores the pain that sears through her as his warm, sweaty hand meets the cuts on her own, for all she cared about was the reassuring feeling of her hand in his.

Urzoth drifted off to sleep quickly, being exhausted from the past few hours of physical and mental torture. By this time, it was well into the night, and the snores of many of the dwarves echoed through the dungeon. Kili was unable to find sleep, for his mind was clouded with worry. He worried for Urzoth, for her wounds were still bleeding and her skin was getting paler. He subconsciously grabbed his round stone out of his pocket and began to fiddle with it.

"That stone in your hand. What is it?" Kili looks up to see the red haired she-elf who saved him standing at his cell door.

"Its talisman," He answers simply. She gives him a confused look. "A powerful spell lies upon it. If any but a dwarf reads the runes on this stone, they will be cursed forever!"

Kili aggressively holds up the stone for dramatic affect. The she elf takes a step back, fear overcoming her delicate elven features. She gazes at him for a moment before turning to leave, but his words stop her.

"Or not. Depending mon whether you believe in that kind of thing. It's just a token," he continues cheekily, a small smile befalling his face. " Rune stone. My mother gave it to me so I'd remember my promise."

The red haired elf looks at him curiously. "What promise?" she asks softly.

"That I'd come back to her. She worries. She thinks I'm reckless," He explains with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Are you?"

Kili shakes his head, "Nah."

He tosses the stone in an attempt to show off, but he tosses it a little to hard and it falls through the bars and skids across the floor. It slides toward the edge, but the she elf stops it whit her foot. She picks it up and examines it carefully.

"Sounds like quite the party you're having up there," Kili comments as a roar of laughter echoes down to the prison cells.

"It is Mereth Nuin Giliath; The Feast of Starlight. All light is sacred to the Eldar, but wood elves love best the light of the stars," she explains, a soft smile gracing her lips.

Daughter of Azog (Kili x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя