Chapter 23

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The next morning they are out to work, just as Bilbo predicted. If Thorin took notice of Urzoth and Kili's new tattoo's and braids, he did not comment on it. One thing and one thing alone has plagued his mind for the past few days: the Arkenstone. He needed to find it and he would not rest until he did. Out of loyalty to their king, and because he practically demanded it, the company helped Thorin in his search. They searched through the piles of gold for hours upon end, but they did not find the precious gem.

"Any sign of it?" Thorin commands from atop a large pile of gold.

"Nothing here," Both Bifur and Nori reply from opposite ends of the room.

"Keep searching!" shouts Thorin, though he makes no move to help them.

"That jewel could be anywhere," Dwalin announces, exhaustion clear in his voice.

"The Arkenstone is in these halls. Find it!" is all Thorin has to say.

With a sigh, Dwalin yells, "You heard him, keep looking."

They search day and night, not stopping to eat or sleep. All of them are exhausted, but Thorin insists they mustn't stop. Despite all there efforts, the Arkenstone remains lost, or so it seems. What none of them know is that their sneaky, innocent hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, has the Arkenstone. He first found it when he had his confrontation with Smaug, some days ago, and he snatched it up whilst fleeing the beasts fiery flames. They couldn't find the jewel in the large hall of gold because it wasn't in the large hall of gold. It was safely tucked away in the Hobbit's coat pocket.

After the fifth day of searching, Thorin finally let them rest. He had determined that the stone had in fact been found and someone had kept it from him. It angered him to his core. He couldn't believe his own kin would betray him in such away. In an attempt to find the thief, he called for a meeting with those he trusted most: Balin, Dwalin, and the thief himself, Bilbo Baggins.

The rest of the company took this time to eat some food, drink some water, and rest their tired feet, for surely they would be put back to work the next day. Bofur and Bumbur got to work on making a stew of some sort whilst Fili, Kili, and Urzoth where sent out to get some fresh water. It wasn't too far of a journey, as there was a small moat surrounding the Mountain.

"Thorin is not well," Urzoth announces.

Both Fili and Kili pause their bucket filling to glance at her. "We know," they say in unison.

"It is dragon sickness; A sickness of the mind. There is no cure, it will poison him forever. Thorin will never be the same," she says. The brothers share a sad glance, but say nothing, prompting the she-orc to continue. "We should leave now, like Bilbo said."

Both brothers immediately whip around towards her. "No, we cannot do that," Fili says defensively.

"And why not? Things are never going to get any better!"

"Your wrong, my love, it will get better. Once we find the Arkenstone-" Kili begins in a softer tone.

"The stone will only make him worse! Staying here will be the cause of our deaths!" she argues.

"We cant just leave! They are our family! This is our home! Though you wouldn't know anything about that, would you!" Fili shouts, standing to his full height.

Urzoth has never felt pain like that which she is feeling now. It's not physical pain, like when she was whipped, nor is it the heart wrenching feeling of grief that she felt when her mother died and when she nearly lost Kili. This is betrayal, and she does not like it. She immediately turns away from the blonde dwarf prince and races into the woods. She vaguely hears Kili shouting after her, but she doesn't care. She wants to be alone to process this new version of anger and sadness.

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