Chapter 21

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Following the dragons descent to earth, a large wave destroyed any house that hadn't been burnt to ashes. The town was completely ruined. Those who had survived made for shore. Some had boats, others swam, many died trying. The entire livelihood of these people had been ruined in a matter of a few hours. Urzoth deemed herself lucky to be alive, and she was ever grateful that her companions survived as well.




Sigrid and Tilda cried out desperately. The last they had seen of their father and brother was upon the bell tower that the dragon had crashed into upon being defeated. Weather the pair had survived or not, they did not know. Tauriel had been kind enough to help them look. The dwarves on the other hand where so keen on making it to Erebor that they took time to prepare their boat instead of helping the young girls.

Urzoth held pity in her heart for them, knowing their father was the last parental figure the two had. Loosing him and their brother would surely lead to their starvation and eventual death. She would much rather help them than ready a boat, but Kili's tight hold on her hand prevented her from doing such a thing. After a few moments, Urzoth is caught off guard by the sudden pull away from the boat. Bringing her gaze to Kili, she sees they're headed for Tauriel, who has been abandoned by Bard's daughters.

"Tauriel," Kili begins, drawing her attention to the approaching pair.

"Kili! Urzoth! Come on, we're leaving!" Fili calls, having climbed onto the small boat that Bofur was now shoving towards the water.

"They are your people, you must go," the she-elf says, pulling her gaze from the couple which she dreaded.

"I wanted to thank you, for saving my life," Kili says quickly. Tauriel brings her eyes back to his, despair filling her heart, for every bit of her had hoped he would say something else, anything else.

"You're welcome," she says shortly, not daring to say anything more, fearing she may break down.

At this, Kili turns to leave, but Urzoth had planted her feet firm on the ground, refusing to follow. The words that fall from her mouth surprise all three of them. "Come with us," She says.

"What? No, I can't," the red headed elf protests, dumbstruck by the orc's requests.

"Sure you can, it's not like you have any place else to go," Urzoth replies quickly, icy eyes challenging the elf to deny the statement.

"I don't understand, why do you of all creature want me to come? I don't doubt you can see how I feel towards your fiancé," the elf asks, though Urzoth takes this as a challenge to her integrity.

"Of course I can see it, but I know he will never return said feelings. I also know that these feelings of yours will not last. The gods would not be so cruel to make you fall for one you can't have. There is someone out there for you, and I believe that if you come with us, we can help you to find them."

For a moment, Urzoth thinks the elf will agree. Tauriel's eyes hold hope and gratitude. However, with the approach of Legolas, son of Thranduil, those bright hazel eyes go cold and all hope drains from her face. Without turning around, she knows Legolas is standing behind her.

"Hîr nín, Legolas" she says almost emotionlessly.

"Maewado i hain! Boe i nadh egeno," the blonde elf prince says in a cool, commanding tone.

The red headed she-elf stares at Kili and Urzoth sadly before turning towards Legolas. The dwarf and orc take this as their queue to leave. Hand and hand, they make their way back to the boat that is now floating in the water, waiting for them to come aboard. With heavy hearts, they climb onto the ship, for neither of them wishes to leave Tauriel.

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