Chapter 25

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Today is the day Urzoth has been dreading since their time with Beorn. The Battle of the Five Armies is upon them. She has trained and prepared all her life for this day, and now that it's here, she finds her self in a state of helplessness. She isn't ready. She once looked forward to this battle, but now she despises it. She doesn't know what side she's on. She wishes she could say her loyalty belongs to the company, but that simply isn't true. The orcs are her family; they raised her, after all. They will always hold a special place in her heart, so she finds it hard to betray them; though in hindsight, she's already betrayed them. This is a confusing time, and the only thing she can hold true is her love for Kili.

Kili. He lays next to her, snoring softly. While she was confident that they would survive a few days ago, toady she worries. She knows how vicious her father is. She knows he wont stop until he terminates the line of Durin. Kili's life will always be at stake, even if they do survive this battle. It is a truth she has been refusing to face. She wanted to believe that everything would be okay, but deep down she knew that their chances were slim. Today, with battle on the horizon, she acknowledges these worries and lets them consume her morning thoughts.

Shifting beside her notifies her of Kili's consciousness. She rolls over to meet his deep brown eyes. A small smirk plays on his face, but upon looking into her worried blue orbs, it fades. He knows what is stressing her, for it troubles him as well. But, unlike her, he has confidence that they will survive. He believes they will win this war and live happily ever after. But he doesn't know what she does. He doesn't know how blood thirsty her father is. He doesn't know what she and plenty of other orcs were trained to do. He doesn't know that Sauron has risen once again.

"We'll be okay," he whispers, brushing her hair out of her eyes.

"You don't know that," she replies sadly.

"I have faith that we will. The god's wouldn't be so cruel as to allow me to survive a black arrow, only to kill me a week later," he reasons. She stares at him, still unconvinced. He has no idea how cruel the gods can be.

"What time is it?" she asks, desperately wanting to change the topic.

"I don't know. Early enough that no one's come knocking at our-"

A knock sounds at the door before he can finish, "Get up, lovebirds!" comes Fili's voice.

"Spoke too soon," Kili chuckles. Urzoth doesn't smile. "We should get dressed."

With that, Kili untangles their legs and climbs out of bed. Urzoth watches him, desperately taking in every feature, for she truly believe this could be the last time she sees him in such a vulnerable state. He notices her watching only when he's sliding on his trousers. A cheeky smirk plays on his lips, at least until he sees the tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

"Nothing. Just scared for this battle," she replies with a sigh.

A reassuring smile graces his lips as he walks over to her. He leans down and presses a soft kiss to her lips. "We'll be okay, Uzfakuh," he whispers against her mouth.

He pulls away and grabs his shirt. Urzoth quickly wipes away the few tears that managed to fall down her cheeks before climbing out of bed and grabbing her undergarments. She puts them on before pulling her dress over her head. She ties her mothers belt securely around her race before picking up her iron breast plate and equipping it. She slides on the matching boots, which are on opposite ends of the room, and grabs her fur cloak from the chair. She puts it on and turns toward Kili, who is now fully dressed in his own, darker armor.

"You ready?" he asks. She nods her head in response and they leave their room, hand in hand.

Thorin gathers the company at the top of their wall. Everyone looks fierce in their new, shiny armor, but deep down they're scared senseless. Thorin is the only fearless one, as he stands at the front, a bow and arrow in his hand. As Thranduil and Bard stride through the rows of armies, Thorin notches the arrow, pulls it back and shoots. It soars through the air and lands just in front of the Elf King's moose.

Daughter of Azog (Kili x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon