rookie ten Vs akatsuki part 1

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Here it is boys and girls (and others) the battle that I've had planned since chapter one, in fact the only reason naruko is in the story is because that would help even out the numbers. Now for my question of the day and this it which of the rookie ten is your least favourite? For me it would have to be sakura since all of them have something unique going for them and when you compare them with sakura she just doesn't stand out. Now let's head into the chapter.


I wake from my sleep looking at the ceiling of the room. I could have fallen asleep again but then I remembered that there is a challenge today which I was wanting to see. I got myself out of bed and did a stretch then I begin to walk around the bed to where smoothie is. When I reached the lovely lady I put my hand onto her shoulder then shook her.

Y/n:"come on smoothie out of your scrtcher our kids have there challenge today and I know you'll kill me if I let you miss it"

Smoothie then opened her eyes up to me.

Smoothie:"morning. Well should we wake the kids up?"

I nodded and she stepped out of our bed wearing only her bra and panties while I'm only in my boxer's. I walked over to my drawer to get a set of clothes for the day. When me and smoothie did get dressed we both walked towards our kids room but as we came closer to it I could already here that some of them were up.

Y/n:"we at least they are up so that leaves only cooking them a meal."

Smoothie:"thanks for offering y/n"

Then when we reach the room smoothie opened the door to be greeted by a unique sight

Just imagine that yahiko is Nagato, now for a question for fun and that is who is the funniest and cutest

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Just imagine that yahiko is Nagato, now for a question for fun and that is who is the funniest and cutest. For me it would be a tie between Tobi and Sasori and of course I don't own this.

Y/n:"well... This is lovely thing to see."

Smoothie:"yes it is."

The kids didn't seem to notice me and smoothie so I clapped my hands getting all of there attention as well as waking the sleeping once.

Y/n:"okay everybod lets get up you all have a big day today."

All of them got up though i got an unwanted surprise when I saw little Hidan.

Smoothie:"Hidan. Cover yourself up."

Hidan:"I'm getting my fucking clothes!"

Then as they all got dresses I was wondering who will be fighting who. Not that I was worried bout my children getting hurt nice me and smoothie taught them well, my worry is about the rookies who are probably going to get hurt or in the case of Hidan killed. When the kids were dressed in there normal ninja clothes with there akatsuki cloaks I was ready to get some breakfast. As all twelve of us were walking down the stairs I was hoping that my accumulator would be true.

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