meeting little rays of hope

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Hay guys how you doing l hope this story is to your liking and all now I've decided to get in a routine of doing three hundred words per story a day and one I said i would be working on gets more work on it . Anyway my question of the day is what summons would you like in naruto. Any way enjoy the story.


I had just gotten up out of my bed after me and smoothie had some fun last night. When I looked to where smoothie would of been but to my surprise she wasn't there so I got out of bed and got dressed and walked out my room and went down the stairs to where she most likely would be. As I'm walking into our back garden I go into the forest and after some time I can spot smoothie on her knees and crying at a certain white tree. I walked over to her and bent down and put my hand on her shoulder to help comfort her.

Y/n:"how are you doing smoothie?"

I was trying to be careful not to say anything to upset her.

Smoothie:"yes I'm fine just paying my respects to sam. Do you think that sam likes the gravestone we got?"

Y/n:"of course Sam would like it after all you chose that on."

I could start feeling tears coming down my cheeks and smoothie could see then and she was crying as well. I pulled her into a tight hug to give her some more comfort for her and myself to help deal with Sam's death. We then started to stand up and take one last look at Sam's gravestone and started walking away and go back into our house. When we went back inside I went to the kitchen and decided to make us something to eat and I'll make smoothie's favourite breakfast So I get to work on making it.

Smoothie POV

I was now sitting at our living room table waiting to see what type of breakfast y/n will make me today. Just as I was about to guess he came in with two trays with some steam coming off of it. Then he came to our couch and handed me my breakfast which was my favourite eggs Benedict.

 Then he came to our couch and handed me my breakfast which was my favourite eggs Benedict

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When I looked over to y/n I saw he was having the same thing as me. I then picked up my breakfast and started to eat this great food sending a sensation though my body every bite I took.

Y/n:"so how did you like it?"

I turn my head over to look at y/n to see that he took his scarf off so he could eat his egg's Benedict with less of a struggle.

Smoothie:"amazing as always you really know how to make a someone feels like a queen."

Y/n:"just good at cooking"

I smile at how he acts like his cooking is just standard.

Y/n:"so do you want to go on a mission get our minds off Sam for a bit?"

I nodded and y/n gave me a big toothy smile which some people would find terrifying but I find it heart warming. We got up off the couch and y/n got his scarf and put it back on to hide his mouth which I don't like that he dose. We then went outside the door and started making our way towards danzo's HQ to get a mission know the jutsu we placed around our house making it impossible for people we don't want in.

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