going to battle

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Hello boys and girls here is the next chapter of my Naruto Story which I hope that all of you are enjoying as much as I am writing it for you guys and girls. Now for my question of the day and that is what do you think about y/n, team he was given? I can't really comment since I know who they are as well as what they can do as well as what they will do. Now please let me know what you think if it is not too much trouble and let's get on with the story.


I looked at everyone in the room seeing that though they kept there stony faces but I knew that this puzzled them since if I didn't kill him then who did.

Smoothie:"did you find the person that stole the kill?"

Y/n:"unfortunately not, but it was a simple stab to the deck so I ripped off his head before anyone could get a look at the corpse."

Danzo:"I'm sure this goes without saying but this information stays with us as will not leave this room."

All three of us nodded our heads in agreement.

Danzo:"this matter will be investigated privately, the last thing that we want is for this to get out into the public."

Y/n:"which one of us will investigate it?"

Danzo, looked at Zarzar.

Danzo:"I'll let you handle it from here Zarzar, your quite good in these situations."

Zarzar:"as you wish sir."

Danzo, then turned to look at me.

Danzo:"as for you two, I want you to finish off the hidden sound village once and for all, Ayame, also wants to take all of the land that belongs to the land of sound so it will be a win for both of us."

I nodded.

Y/n:"should we bring our kids and team?"

Danzo:"I'll leave that decision to you two, now I need to go."

All of us nodded and he left the room while I looked at smoothie.

Y/n:"just so we are clear I'm bringing my team with me Smoothie, what about our kids should we take them with us?"

Smoothie:"I'm fine with it as long as they are y/n, but let's check with our kids if they want to come with us but I think it will be nice."

Y/n:"yeah, it can be like a family day out."

Zarzar:"yes, nothing says family trip more than going out and subjugating an enemy nation."

Both of us looked down at Zarzar.

Zarzar:"but before you decide what sandwiches you get them, can I ask you some questions y/n, to have a foundation for my investigation."

Y/n:"alright, what do you want to know?"

Naruto POV

I ran to ramen Ichiraku as today was the day that it was reopening, all of my other friends and sister were coming with me to eat there for the opening. When I got there I rushed as fast as I could into the stand and sat down while everyone else came in after me as I looked at Teuchi.

Natuto:"I'll have one Naruto ramen!"

He nodded his head but he looked depressed while he began to make mine and the others ramen.

Naruto:"are you okay? You seem a little down, is something up?"

He then finished poring the ramen into a bowl and handed some of them to us.

Teuchi:"it's nothing to worry about, it's just that I am in a little bit of debt is all, due to my stand being repaired by the fifth Hokage."

Kiba:"w... What do you mean? I thought that... The fifth Hokage wasn't being charged for the cost."

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