infiltration and a detour

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Hello boys and girls here is the next chapter of my Naruto story and before u say anything else I want to tank you all for your lovely support it really helps motivate me to do more quicker which is weird coming from me but hey. Now for my question of the day and that is who would you liked to have seen more off in the Naruto story wither they be filler or cannon? For me I would like to have seen Yagura since he always seemed like a character that deserved more screen time but didn't get it which I am sad about since I would love to also see the hidden mists civil wars because when you look into the lore you know they definitely had a few even if we only know of one. While we are on that who would like to get more content on it because when you read into this villages lore the more I want a manga series on the hidden mist. Now with that all said and done let's get on with this story.


I looked at the wall of the village from the trees, my men on the inside were going to make a hole, they had to be quite about this otherwise I might as well smash through the front gate. As I am sitting in wait I began to worry about my friends since they could run into members of there own clan and have to kill them. Then a small hole appeared in the wall wall which got a little bigger till I was big enough for me too get through with a little bit of struggle. I got off the tree and started to run forward making sure to stay out of the line of sight, when I reached the hole I had to dive through it. When I was inside the wall I see that the inside men was already gone so I began to make my way to the root base while I exited the wall to be into the village. I snuck into an ally as security has seemed to increase which was what I was expecting, unfortunately I'm too tall to just be a face in the crowd. While I sneaked my way to one of the secret entrances into the root base I ensured that I would not get caught in the dark ally's. When I was at the back door of Tōsuke shop but before I opened it up I heard that there was someone in the store with him who I don't recognize. I quickly opened up the doors to not make a sound and decided to take the man's fate into my own hands, when I sneaked up I saw that the unknown persons back was turned to me as the shutters were down. In a second I had rushed to behind him and twisted his neck a one eighty digress killing him almost immediately. I let go of the head as the body dropped to the ground and walked off to get into the root base as soon as possible leaving tōsuke to clean up the body. I went through the secret Door closing it behind me while I descended deeper into the root base to the room that it would be in. While I am walking through the base nobody was hear, guess minato hasn't found a way in, Kiyo did say she blew up the main entrance to the base so I'm not sure if danzo Sensei ever mentioned the other entrance's. While I walked through the dark base I began to remember my time in the root academy with all my friends.

Small flashback.


We see a dimly lit room with a bunch of kids in it wondering why they are in the room since danzo told them that this is where they would learn to be elite ninjas. Then the only door of the room opened up to reveal a one armed man walking in, the one armed man looked at the kids before closing the door behind him.

One arm:"hello, I will be your Sensei while you kids are here. Now I want to weed out the weak so when I point to you step forward."

He then pointed to two boys who walked forward looking slightly confused.

One arm:"now fight eachother."

Both boys looked at each before charging at one another in a fight, one of the boys has dirty brown hair where the other boy had raven black hair as well as red eyes. The boys fight only laster three and a half minutes before a young zarzar stood over the beaten up opponent.

One arm:"good, now kill him."

All of the kids were shocked and looked at eachother wondering if there sensei was serious or not, zarzar looked at the Sensei.

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