Operation T.B.C

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Hello boys and girls here is the next chapter of my Naruto story and we will finally get to find out what operation T.B.C. now for my question of the day and that is if you can remember what did you think when gaara first turned into shukaku what did you think? For me my memory of this is a little fuzzy but I remember thinking that each of the hidden villages had a huge beast like kurama and shukaku which I was kind of right about. Now with that all said and done let's get on with the story.


I sat in the waiting room as my match will be next after Naruto beat that hyuga boy, it's awesome that my little brother can beat a Jutsu like that. In the room with me was zarzar and danzo, smoothie was in the stands with our kids who said they would cheer me on.

Danzo:"remember what you must do y/n, our plan relies on you."

I nodded but my match would be a three way with the uchiha boy.

Y/n:"what do I do about the uchiha boy?"

Danzo:"whatever you please y/n."

I nodded while zarzar patted my back.

Zarzar:"don't worry y/n, you kicked the nine tailed fox ass when you were a kid, I'm sure that a uchiha boy and the Kazekage child."

I nodded and stood up from my seat.

Y/n:"is crimson ready for his part in operation T.B.C?"

Danzo:"yes he is, he is sitting back in the base waiting for you y/n."

Both my guardian and best friend walked out of the room but danzo stopped at the door.

Danzo:"and good luck."

Then the two of us walked out of the room while I walked out of another door to go in the arena where my fight would begin. When I reach the other end of the corridor I was in the arena with the crowd cheering hoping to see a fight which they will. Next was gaara who looked as unhappy as he did when I first saw him. Next would be saskue but he was nowhere to be seen, if he doesn't get here soon the he will be disqualified, though not that I care since he is not important to the plan.

Ref:"if saskue uchiha dose not get here in a minute then he will be disqualified!"

I looked at the box where both the kage were but there was also Ayame who decided to stick around to make sure the danzo master plan goes well. As time went on we were getting down to five seconds until the fight would have to begin with members of the crowd began to get upset having to wait. Then just as we were getting down to the last second a cloud of smoke appears in the center of the arena, showoff. I then heard the voice of my kids so I looked back over my shoulder seeing all of my kids holding a large drawing of me which was not good but since my kids made it for me it was worth more than gold.

Kakashi:"sorry, are we late?"

The referee looked at a clock and shook his head side to side so kakashi jumped up into the stands while I stuck my hand into my chest to pull out my trident that I stored inside me. When all three of us looked at eachother ready to win this fight but had to wait for the referee to tell us to begin.


did any of you think this would appear.

Quickly I used my speed to go behind which he didn't even know I was behind him before I grabbed his head with my free hand and stretched it out using my mochi to slam him face into the wall of the arena. I then began to rotate my arm around the arena until saskue face had been fixed through the wall all the way round I let go of him and moved my arm back to normal. I took a step back avoiding the large amount of sand that gaara tried to attack me with, I looked at the red haired boy while he was floating in mid air on top of some sand.

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