Chapter 4: From Riches To Rags

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"Once upon a time, in a far-off country, there lived a merchant who had been so fortunate in all his undertakings that he was enormously rich. As he had six sons and six daughters, however, who were accustomed to having everything they fancied, he did not find he had a penny too much. But misfortunes befell them." -Madame de Villeneuve

Once upon a time, in a land that most know to be called Asgard, there lived a wealthy man with his three sons; Winston, Edmar, and Xavier and his three daughters; Alanna, Loretta, and Evelyn. He owned a great deal of land and many markets in the city bought the produce he was able to harvest from his fields.

The family had everything they ever needed. Their home had many riches such as splendid furniture, sparkling jewels, and books gilded in gold. Even the daughters had many lavish gowns of the purest of silks and velvet, full of rich colors and designs.

The family was happy. And who wouldn't be in their position?All their desires were satisfied and all seemed well.

But then the storm hit and killed their crops overnight, all that remained when the storm had left were the brittle branches and fallen leaves. They tried everything to start over, but the ground was no longer fertile, it seemed like the storm had changed it and cursed it to never bring forth a healthy harvest.

To be able to live, the family had to part with their riches, say goodbye to the servants, and leave their grand home. They were able to afford to buy a small cottage and farm; it was a very desolate place with only a dark forest standing behind it.

The children were not happy at all with their new life, as would be suspected with one confronted with such a misfortune. The dresses that the girls once worn were replaced with rough and unappealing garments as they and their brothers worked on the little land that they had. Everyday was a struggle and they usually ended the day exhausted and still a bit hungry.

They first hoped that their friends would help them, maybe insist that they should not live such a wretched life. But sadly when their riches were gone, so were their friends. They were completely alone. So they stared longingly at the shinning city of Asgard as they tilled the ground beneath them.

The sons and daughters couldn't help but miss the many luxuries and amusements they had in the past, But the youngest daughter, Evelyn, tried her best to cheer her family up from their melancholy state of mind.

When they had all finished their dinner Evelyn would turn to youngest of the brothers saying, "Oh please Xavier, would you play your flute?"

Xavier would of course oblige for he, like his other brothers, adored Evelyn and loved to make her happy. He always enjoyed the smile that would appear on his sister's face when he brought the handmade wooden flute to his lips.

Evelyn would begin to dance, laughung all the while, and eventually grab her siblings to join her. Soon Evelyn and her brothers were all dancing while her father watched happily. Her sisters often wouldn't join in their merriment, instead they would glare at their youngest sister.

" Look at her! how can she be so happy while we are barely even living" They would often say to one another.

" She seems fine with this misery. This miserable life must be all she was fit for."

Evelyn didn't pay attention to the disdain of her sisters, instead she focused on the happiness in her father's eyes, that was all she really cared for.

This is how their life had ran for two years, and they had grown quite accoustumed to it over all that time. They started to get use to what each day held and nothing really exciting ever happened.

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