It's not a Date

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Pansy paced in her room fixing her hair and breathing deeply

"Why are you so nervous it's not like it's a date" Draco stretched onto pansy's bed as Blaise practiced a new spell

"Yeah well, it's the first redemption!" Pansy sighed. Giving up in her hair and walking to her wardrobes

"Yeah a boring one to I can't believe you let her pick where" Draco laughed

"And that she picked the library!" Blaise added both boys laughed and pansy growled

"Okay, Blaise doesn't act like I didn't catch you and the ginger making out in your room last night!" Pansy retorted. Draco laughed harder as Blaise clamped his mouth shut

"Oh shut it Draco I saw you giving potter goo goo eyes!" Blaise defended as he crossed his arms

"You guys are terrible" pansy sighed

"Alright I'm going causal" pansy smiled at herself in the mirror

"See you gays later," pansy said walking out

"Don't you mean guys?" Blaise called out

"Did I fucking stutter!?" Pansy yelled back then walked away as she had a bright smile on her face she walked into the library where she saw Hermione sat happily at a table reading away at one of the books Slughorn had assigned

"Hey, Hermione!" Pansy smiled at the shorter girl. Hermione smiled back at pansy and scooted over for her to sit

"Look I've been researching this assignment and I think it's fascinating" Hermione smiled brightly

"Research! Hermione" pansy groaned peering over at Hermione who wrinkled her nose

"Fine what would you rather do" Hermione giggled

"Kiss you," pansy thought but decided against it.

"How about we go for a walk around the school. Get to know each other you know" pansy suggested standing and stretching wrinkling get nose at the old book scent

"Well I suppose that would be fun" Hermione sighed putting her books away and standing as well

"Alright, then I'm in" Hermione smiled. Pansy winked at her and grabbed her wrist pulling her out of the smelly room. They both walked quietly it was so awkward pansy wished someone would drop an anvil on her just so they could talk

"How much hair gel do you think Malfoy wears?" Pansy asked awkwardly

"Excuse me?" Hermione asked

"I don't know. He uses about half a tub" pansy smiled

"Oh. Yeah I would have guessed that" Hermione stammered

"That was a weird question. And oddly specific. Where have I been asked that before" Hermione thought furrowing her eyebrows

"Was Draco doing okay. While I was. You know. Gone?" Pansy looked down the hall at students rushing to get to there weekend classes

"He looked okay. According to Harry, he was quieter. I think he missed you" Hermione smiled softly and peered at the taller girl who smiled softly. They turned a corner becoming suddenly silent wasn't becoming as weird

"How were you doing? All by yourself?" Hermione asked blushing softy. Pansy smiled at Hermione.

"What were you worried about me?" Pansy smirked. Hermione nudged pansy softy frowning

"I'm not going to lie to you Hermione i wasn't doing good. I'd go practically everyday crying or throwing things off my desk." Pansy said biting her lip.

"I knew that he was right," pansy said after a while.

"About?" Hermione asked. In that month no one knew what they were fighting about. Hermione had estimated it was about a marriage that their parents would probably force them to take part in someday.

"Not sure you wanna know really. It could change the way you look at me" pansy smiled at Hermione who looked away quickly

"I'll look at you as a friend through and through" Hermione smiled at pansy who sighed heavily. Hermione tilted her head to the side pansy almost looked upset. After a second pansy turned to Hermione with a smile

"Wanna go do something fun?" She asked. Though she didn't wait for Hermione's response she just grabbed Hermione by the hand and ran with her outside to the lake

"You know about the giant squid right?" Pansy asked with excitement

"Of course." Hermione smiled

"Alright watch this" pansy smiled as she took off her jacket and shirt.

"Woah whatever you doing!?" Hermione gasped looking away quickly

"I'm gonna show you something mind-blowing watch!" Pansy exclaimed as she pulled her skirt off and threw it on the ground. Hermione gulped and turned to look at a half-naked pansy who kicked off her shoes and winked at Hermione playfully and then jumped into the water

"Pansy!" Hermione yelled running to the edge of the lake searching for the Slytherin

"Pansy!" Hermione yelled again.


Hermione gulped and searched around for her wand. Before she could cast anything there was bubbling on the surface of the water

"Pansy?" Hermione asked more to herself though she gasped loudly when a giant tentacle shot through the water holding pansy who was way too relaxed for comfort

"Pansy oh Merlin are you alright!?" Hermione yelped

"I'm fine! Crazy right?" Pansy smiled as Hermione collapsed in relief

"Told you I was gonna blow your mind" pansy smiled as the squid let her down gently

"Thank you!" Pansy called as it sunk back down into the depths

"You scared me!" Hermione yelled standing and hugging pansy

"Hermione I'm wet still" pansy laughed pushing Hermione away

"Oh right let's head back in before you get sick," Hermione said summoning a towel for pansy to dry herself and cover herself while taking her clothes along with her shoes.

"Are you nuts?" Hermione scolded again

"What were you worried about me?" Pansy smiled at Hermione who blushed

"Here just put your clothes back on!" Hermione said pushing pansy clothes into the Slytherins arms

"Alright alright" pansy smiled quickly changing again

"I'd love to do this again Hermione I had a lot of fun" pansy smiled at Hermione

"Yeah well. I did too. See you later" Hermione said though she was upset that she had. She had already prepared an entire lecture about what pansy had done but for some reason, Hermione couldn't think straight.

A Letter To Stop A Marriage (A Pansmoine Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now