The Beginning of Something New

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"You ever wonder what it feels like to fall in love?" Pansy asked her eyebrows furrowed together with Draco at her side.

"Yeah," Draco replied calmly

"If its anything like my parents I don't think I want to" pansy sighed

"You know fall in love. It seems devilish" Draco snorted at his friend

"You could always marry me if you don't want to fall in love. It's bound to happen" Draco laughed

"Oh Mr. Malfoy I literally would never want to" pansy giggled

"Thank Merlin between me being gay and you being lesbian it would be a loveless marriage indeed" they both laughed in delight but felt the uneasy feeling in their stomachs

"Darling I love you" pansy sighed staring at the letter he mother had given her that morning

"I love you too." Draco sighed biting his lip

"Anyway, you think we can break the engagement?" Pany sighed sitting up

"If I kill myself you can marry whoever you want?" Draco offered a sly smile on his lips

"Don't be stupid" pansy smacked him softly and sighed

"Draco I don't want to spend the rest of my life following my mother's orders. I don't want to marry someone I don't love in that way. I want to live my own stupid insignificant life" pansy ripped the paper up and threw the wad

"Yeah. Maybe you should have read the contract before you ripped it up" Draco laughed and pansy blinked repeatedly before sighing heavily

"Merlin you're right!" She laughed slightly and lay on Dracos stomach

"Alright darling, recite to me the words of your father with the contract" she smiled, and Draco sighed wincing at the memory of the lecture

"Well. Draco, as you know the Malfoys and the Parkinsons have years of rivalry but we can benefit greatly from them and them from us! Remember that we must always stay pure-blooded so forget about any other woman that attempts to intoxicate you-" Draco mocked and pansy sighed

"Oh merlin at least he only said women" pansy laughed

"Yeah it's my loophole that way I get to make out with like any guy I want" Draco chuckled

"Okay, but any way to break the contract?" Pansy stared the ceiling and wondered if it was always that high up or if she was just getting comfy on top of Draco

"Yeah, one. One of us dies" Dracos voice was monotone and pansy frowned

"That's not an option I may not want to marry you but I don't want you to die!" Pansy said exasperated

"Well there was another one but I mean you have to fall in love and the other person would have to fall in love with you" Draco bit his lip

"Oh?" Pansy sat up and looked down at Draco who swallowed thickly

"It involves family trials which you know how hard your family trails are. And an unbreakable bond. Like a promise to get married but you have to get married" pansy frowned but then smiled

"That doesn't seem so hard!" She clapped her hands together in excitement

"Yeah been it's so easy to fall in love with someone and they fall in love with you and then they agree to do all this random shit for something that takes 5 years to get used to" Draco mocked

"It could happen never doubt a lesbian" pansy crosses her arms

"Never have and never will doll" Draco laughed and pushed pansy away so he could stand

"Come along Parkinson how else will we ravage Hogwarts with our insanely good looks if we don't get there on time?" Draco smiled cutely and pansy stood

"No problem darling I plan to find myself a wife" pansy smiled happily taking Draco by the arm and walking out with him. Their parents stood and gushed over them fixing posture and giving lectures before having Narcissa take them to the train.

"Remember dragon I'll love you no matter what happens in these past years don't forget that" Draco smiled at his mother and kissed her cheek walking in behind pansy and sitting with her Blaise, Crabb, and goyal.

"Did you two hear?" Blaise asked excitedly in his seat

"No?" Pansy replied calmly

"I heard Harry potter is on this train!" Pansy's head wiped towards Blaise

"The Harry Potter!? You mean the boy who lived Harry Potter!?" Pansy exclaimed and Draco frowned

"You mean he's on this train right now and he hasn't introduced himself to us yet?" Pansy nudged Draco and shifted in her seat

"Oh my gosh, do you think he has the lightning scar!?" She asked the boys thought for a second before shrugging

"Ugh you guys are useless I'll go search for him! Maybe we can become friends!" Pansy stood

"Wait I wanna meet Harry Potter!" Draco whined very unmalfoy like

"You can meet him later I wanna see if he has a scar!" Pansy smiled at Draco and slammed the sliding door skipping through the hallway of the train and checking through every window to see what the famous Harry Potter looked like.

"-Are you guys practicing magic? Let's see then!" Pansy's head shot up to see a wild-haired girl leaning through a compartment door. She watched as the girl winced and stepped inside pansy crept up to the door and watched as she fixed some dorky guys glasses

"I'm Hermione Granger! You are?" Hermione asked gleefully

"Granger ay?" Pansy thought

"Harry Potter" pansy gasped and took a step back

"That dork is Harry potter!?" She thought it was almost comical she quickly realized that she was still staring inside the compartment but she wasn't staring at the boy who lived but at the girl who seemed to be too good for this world and pansy adored it.

A Letter To Stop A Marriage (A Pansmoine Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now