LGBTQ+ Rights!

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Hermione's eyes snapped open to knocking on her door

"Hermione dear I know you told us to leave you alone but you have a guest. They say they're a school friend?" Hermione sat up and unlocked the door to her room

"Thanks, mum," she said going down the stairs and opening the door to see Ron

"How are you holding up mione?" Ron asked withal smile

"Ron!" Hermione smiled hugging the ginger tightly

"I thought you were with Blaise?" She asked as they parted

"I was but then I got an owl from Harry and well I came here because Harry is currently hiding in Malfoy manor" Ron smiled and then stiffened when he saw Hermione's mother

"Hello Hermione's mum" Hermione rolled her eyes and punched Ron softy

"Mum this is Ron! Can I bring him to my room?" Hermione asked and then turned to Ron before her mum could answer

"You're staying for dinner right?" She asked Ron nodded and then she pulled him up the stairs and into her room

"So what's going on in that genius mind of yours?" Ron asked lying on Hermione's bed and yawning

"Well I suppose pansy was leading me on" Hermione sighed sitting on her swivel chair

"I don't think she would do that" Ron said

"Yeah well neither did i" Hermione sniffled

"Aw, mione don't cry. It's all in your head I bet if you ask pansy what's going on it'll all clear up!" Ron smiled at her

"I don't know Ron i-" Hermione began but was interrupted by an owl scratching at her window. She went to it and opened it taking the letter from a brown owl and reading the lettering

"You know what I've never noticed?" Hermione said as Ron sat up

"What's that?" He asked

"The writing pansy has. And the writing my secret admirer has are very similar" Ron smiled he knew. Blaise had told him everything about what had been going on

"Really?" He played dumb

"Yes. Anyway, I have a letter from her should I read it?" Hermione looked at Ron who shrugged and nodded

Dear, Hermione

I miss you! I've been with my mother this entire time and it's a bore if you ask me. Anyway I'm coming over to your house as we planned so expect me to knock at your door

From, pansy

Hermione gasped and then showed Ron who's eyes widened

"Oh I probably shouldn't be here," Ron said the door suddenly flew open causing both bodies to jump

"No, you shouldn't what are you doing in my little girl's room?" Hermione's dad yelled angrily

"Dad chill its just a friend from school" Hermione stood

"I don't care you can't have boys in your room!" Hermione sighed at her father who was giving Ron an alarming glare

"Says who?" Hermione asked angrily

"Says me as long as you live under my roof it's my rules!" He yelled pulling Ron off the bed

"I don't live here though I live at Hogwarts if you prefer I stay there I will we weren't even doing anything!" Hermione yelled at her dad who was lecturing her. Ron scooted next to Hermione's mum who was watching the entire ordeal

"She's a lot like him" he whispered

"Yeah they're both bound to rules and love giving lectures" her mother replied. They all got quiet when the doorbell rang

"Who is it another boy?" Hermione's dad yelled angrily stomping down the stairs with Hermione yelling at him about personal space. Her dad yelled back as the door flew open to reveal a girl the entire atmosphere changed

"Pansy." Hermione glared at the girl

"Hermione! How have you been?" She asked ignoring her dad and hugging Hermione

"Ronald you're here to." She said frowning at him

"Well then I was thinking we could go to diagonally" pansy smiled at Hermione who blushed

"No sorry pansy I'm suddenly busy I was about to write you but I was arguing" Hermione glanced at her dad who swallowed thickly

"Oh. I was just" pansy looked between the two and then back at Ron who shrugged and mouthed

"Muggles are confusing"

"Well then I'll see you back at school then" pansy smiled at Hermione and left the room walked towards a man who nodded at her. And she left

"You should have asked her while she was here," Ron said pulling Hermione towards him

"I just couldn't" Hermione whispered

"Get away from her! Hermione can't have a boyfriend no matter if you're like us or not!" Hermione's dad yelled Ron snorted earning a glare from both Hermione and her dad

"You think I'm Hermione's boyfriend? That's rich! I don't know if Hermione's mentioned this before sir but I'm gay and have a boyfriend" Hermione smiled at Ron who was smiling like a fool

"Oh. I see" Hermione's dad blushed softly and gave pleading eyes towards his wife who only crossed her arms

"I apologize for the outburst," he said walking away from the scene to have a drink

"Have you told them?" Ron asked lowly

"No. I wasn't gonna" Hermione said and then departed to her room with Ron close behind her

Ron and Hermione spent a long afternoon together talking about whatever and how they bet Harry and Draco would be dating by the time they got back to Hogwarts

(Gotta get back to Hogwarts Gotta get back to schooooool)

"Hermione! Bring your friend down for dinner!" Hermione shrugged and took Ron with her to the dinner table where they said grace. Or more like Hermione's parents said grace Hermione held a bored expression and Ron lived with pure confusion

"Okay let's eat!" They all started digging in an expert for Hermione who looked at her parents and held hands with Ron under the table for support

"Mum, Dad." She said after a moment they both looked at her with frowns on their faces

"I didn't wanna tell you this. You already have a daughter that's magic I didn't wanna burden you. But I wanna tell you. I can't hide who I am" Hermione felt her heartbeat quickly but relaxed when Ron squeezed her hand

"I'm gay"

A Letter To Stop A Marriage (A Pansmoine Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now