Crashing a wedding

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Hermione ran through the castle frantically searching for the books she needed. She combed her hair and she wore a dress however she ran up the stairs to the Ravenclaw dorms and asked luna to let her in

"Hermione, how are you doing?" Luna asked politely only cracking the door open to her room

"Very good luna thank you! I need that book I let you borrow a few weeks ago" Hermione said panting luna smiled and picked it up handing it to the other girl

"I would hurry Hermione the wedding starts in 20 minutes " luma smiled causally

"Thank you luna make sure to tell Ginny that they're checking our room tonight to make sure she's sleeping there" Hermione smiled and luna nodded and closed the door

"Dear Hermione said-" luna began

"I know I heard" ginny whined pulling her clothes back on and kissing luna goodbye

Hermione ran down the stairs again and ducked into a small corner where she skimmed through her book

"Okay, then I just need to. Wow this is very dramatic" Hermione spoke to herself she turned through pages and pages of rules and regulations though she found there were too many loopholes for them to be considered rules she glanced at her watch ten more minutes

"Oh, shit" she gasped taking out her wand and whispered her spell while looking around to make sure no one was watching she closed her eyes for a second and then opened them to see a giant home in front of her she panted as the wedding theme began to chime. She ran towards the noise trying to keep every ounce of knowledge she had learned in her mind

"If anyone disagrees with the binding of these two families speak now or forever hold your peace" the crowd was quiet looking around for anyone. Pansy swallowed as she held onto Dracos hand who bit his lip and took a deep breath searching the room for someone anyone who would deny their marriage or at least delay

"Ah I'm a little late excuse me but yeah I have a problem with the wedding!" Hermione yelled the people gasped and mumbled at Hermione's words as she panted heavily

"And why is that?" Said the wizard smiling a bit because of how exciting it all was

"It doesn't matter why she has no right to disagree!" Mr. Malfoy spat

"I do. there are no rules that say I cannot disagree with the marriage" Hermione narrowed her eyes

"Yes, there are!" Pansy's mother stood

"State your reason" everyone looked at her with curious eyes except for pansy who seemed hopeful

"I love the bride" Hermione cracked a smile and pansy's shoulders sank in relief

"The bride doesn't feel the same about you now scoot along before I have you taken away" pansy's mother smiled down at Hermione though Hermione shrugged and raised an eyebrow

"How do you know she doesn't love me back?" Hermione smiled and the crowd gasped like it was a soap opera

"Excuse me?"

"Well ask the bride" Hermione retorted the wizard turned to pansy and held her hand scanned her eyes and she nodded

"The bride reciprocated the feelings! Draco Malfoy do you allow this challenger to take the párkinson family test?" Draco swallowed and glanced at his father who shook his head no he looked at his mother who held her hand over her heart and pointed the other hand at Draco

"I do allow her," Draco said the crowd gasped and Draco rolled his eyes at his soap opera this all turned out to be he glanced to the door where Harry stood smiling ear to ear and he blushed and waved subtly making Harry crack a smile

"It's the law that if the bride approves and the groom agrees you must let her participate in the test," the wizard said Mr. Malfoy scowled and turned to look and Pansy's mother who seemed to be embracing the rage in her system

"Fine. I doubt she'll make it anyway" pansy's mother took Hermione by the hand and teleported them to a room Hermione didn't recognize

"You have an hour to complete the entire thing everything and anything is fair game except help from anyone outside of the test" Mrs. Parkinson scowled down at Hermione

"Now for an unbreakable vow" Hermione gulped down and took the woman's arm she had read about this. The unbreakable vow to make sure you didn't run out in the middle of the test you either pass or you die

"Do you promise to finish the test no matter what?" Pansy's mother said as the magic seemed to whirl around them

"Yes" Hermione responded her heart beat fast in her chest as she held onto the arms

"Do you swear to be with the prize, Pansy Parkinson for as long as you both shall live if you succeed?" Hermione watched the woman say the words as if they stung to say


"If you do not succeed in the given time do you swear to never speak to the prize, Pansy Parkinson for as long as you both shall live" that part however the woman smiled wickedly gripping Hermione's arm


"Are you sure you want to take this test and agree to the terms?"

"Yes" Hermione's arm was let go as the unbreakable vow was formed and she took a deep breath when Pansy's mother pushed her into a room that shifted and Hermione swallowed

"I can do this" Hermione smiled to herself awkwardly

"I can do this. Don't worry Pansy I can do this for you and me. We will finally be happy after this" Hermione said to herself and took a step forward towards the first part of her test

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