Real dates are cute

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"Hermione, can I ask you something?" Pansy asked petting Hermione's hair as the other girl studied

"Yes" Hermione replied quickly only paying half attention to pansy

"Will you go on a date with me?" Pansy paused waiting for Hermione's response

"Hm? Yeah sure" pansy sighed at Hermione's response and grabbed the other girls chin and turned her head to face her own

"Pay attention to me" pansy growled impatiently

"Oh. Uh okay" Hermione's face flushed red at pansy's tone and kept eye contact with pansy

"Thank you. Let's go on a date" pansy said it was no longer a question it was now a demand

"A date?" Hermione repeated pansy gave a curt nod

"Oh well sure. When?" Hermione closed her book and turned to pansy once more who smiled softy at Hermione

"Hmm right now?" pansy suggested happily

"But I'm studying right now. Maybe later" Hermione stiffened

"Too bad I'm free right now" pansy winked at Hermione placing a hand on her thigh

"Pansy" Hermione whined

"Hermione. Let's go on a date now" pansy said Hermione huffed and stood muttering under her breath about timing

"Alright alright let's go" Hermione smiled at pansy who seemed erratic about the situation she stood and wrapped an arm around Hermione and spoke about how boring the library was

"The library is not boring its educational" Hermione protested as they walked down the halls

"Boring!" Pansy repeated

"Humph" Hermione crossed her arms and poured pansy smiled and her angry girlfriend and thought

"I do like one thing about the library," pansy said. Hermione stayed quiet observing pansy

"I like that I can always find you there," pansy said kissing her girlfriends cheeks softly

"Shut up!" Hermione laughed feeling something vibrant in her pocket

"Hold on," she said and pulled out a phone

"What's that?" Pansy asked as it lit up again

"Hm? It's a smartphone" Hermione said showing pansy the little device

"Is this a muggle thing?" Pansy asked taking the small rectangular device and inspecting it

"Yeah my mum asked me to keep it for emergencies it was a whole thing with the teachers and things like that she's just making sure it works. Hm if my phone works here I should give my number to Harry" Hermione said pocketing the phone

"Why Harry?" Pansy asked she didn't understand what was going on but she felt jealous that she said Harry instead of her

"Harry bought a phone a while ago and he only uses it to watch videos and things like that but this will be so much easier than sending owls all summer and stuff like that" Pansy nodded as if she understood anything Hermione said

"Anyway. Let's do something fun?" Pansy winked at Hermione who blushed deeply as pansy's suggestive wink

"Um, what do you wanna do?" Hermione asked her face felt hot

"Let me show you" Pansy smiled and the dragged Hermione down the hallway excitedly

"You know." Hermione began as she watched Pansy take off her clothes

"When you said have some fun. I thought you meant something else" Hermione said punching the bridge of the nose as Pansy laughed and winked at Hermione she stretched and looked back as an unimpressed witch

"We can do whatever you thought we were gonna do later promise" Pansy winked Hermione stomped and sat down on the grass and watched as Pansy dove into the lake. She took out a book and started reading it as she waiting for Pansy to surface

"Pansy!?" Hermione turned back to see a wealthy dressed woman running over to the lake

"You girl! Why would you let her jump in? She can't swim! She's been down there for so long!" The woman grabbed Hermione and shook her

"Uh, ma'am who are you?" Hermione said trying to keep her rage down in her stomach

"That's none of your business. You're a Gryffindor that makes sense a nosy bunch you are, you probably dared my poor defenseless Pansy into the water" the woman said dramatically though Hermione couldn't help but snort

"Ha! Pansy Parkinson's and defenseless should never be very close to one another in any situation. Also, could you put me down" the woman did as Hermione told her and huffed

"She hasn't come up to the surface yet she's probably so scared!" The woman walked towards the water and began to mumble

"If this bitch dies before the damn wedding my entire plan will go to waste" Hermione growled at what the woman said

"You must be pansy's mother," Hermione said eyeing the woman she turned to look at Hermione with a nasty snarl

"What's it to you" she spat

"Oh, I don't care I just hope you know that if you don't dive in. Oh how long. Let's see in about ten seconds she's gonna drown" Hermione said with a smirk Pansy's mother let out a yelp and began to charge into the water as Hermione smiled and watched as a long tentacle rose out of the water and drug Pansy mother under the water Hermione watched as the woman coughed and yelled in frustration as she watched Pansy wave at Hermione then she dove where she let out another scream Pansy looked over at her mother in shock and hit the water hard swimming towards her mother who was yelling any profanity she could at her daughter

"Mother, what are you doing here?" Pansy said helping her mum up

"Not now I need you to get rid of that wretched girl that said awful things to me" Pansy looked over at Hermione who gave her the bird and took her things making he way back to the castle. Pansy smiled at Hermione and turned back to her mother shaking her head and then putting her clothes back on

"Come on mother let's get whatever this is over with"

A Letter To Stop A Marriage (A Pansmoine Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now