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"So what are we gonna do?" Harry whined cleaning his glasses. Hermione looked up from her book and smiled softly

"About what?" She asked knowingly

"About the fucking Slytherins mione!" Ron groaned moving a chess piece. Harry glared at him he could never grasp how to truly play this game

"Well, what do you guys want to do? I'm thinking of a nice trip to Hogsmeade!" Hermione smiled both boys shool their heads

"There is no way I'm going with Malfoy!" Harry snorted

"Dido. Him and zambini!" Ron copied

"Oh you guys are being immature they apologized and they're working hard to be better! For example today in the great hall you saw how that girl Parkinson fought before tried to pick another fight and Parkinson didn't retaliate! That proves she's trying to be better!" Hermione suggested putting her book down both boys stared at her.

"Moine I get that you have mixed feelings about Parkinson," Harry said sympathetically putting his hand softy onto hers

"Oh, don't give me that Harry you two aren't any better and if you won't give them a chance then I'll just have to be a good person on my own!" Hermione hugged standing up

"Hermione you know that's not what we meant. But can you blame us for being skeptical?" Ron said taking Hermione's hand in his and biting his lip

"We aren't saying we don't want to give them another chance. We're saying we need time" Harry smiled at Hermione who nodded

"Okay. Right. That makes sense sorry." Hermione smiled back and hugged her best friends

"Oh! I have to have some last-minute studying to do!" She smiled sheepishly as the two boys shook their heads at Hermione

"Don't overwork yourself!" Harry called as she bound up the stairs excited to start the new book she had gotten from the library

She opened her door and peered over to see ginny folding clothes on her bed

"Hey, gin!" Hermione smiled at the ginger and sat at her desk

"Hey mione an owl came for you last night but you were asleep. I tried to give it to you this morning but you seemed to have been in a bit of a rush" Ginny smiled and handed Hermione the neatly written envelope

"Thanks!" Hermione smiled she looked at the front of it. Elegant black lettering spelling out her name

"Who's it from?" Ginny asked leaning over Hermione

"No idea. Also, keep your nosy nose out of here!" Hermione smiled and smacked Ginnys nose softy

"Awe I wanted to know who sent it!" Ginny groaned flopping back onto her bed and folding clothes again

Hermione opened the envelope carefully and took out the parchment.

She read it.

Re-read it.

And then re-re-read it.

"What the heck?" Hermione murmured feeling her heartbeat at a million times an hour

"What!" Ginny smiled running over to Hermione who hid the letter. Ginny whined and looked over at Hermione whose face was bright red

"What did it say!?" Ginny demanded

"Oh just muggle things you wouldn't know" Hermione smiled Ginny arched an eyebrow unconvinced

"Fine. Itsaloveletter" Hermione murmured

"Huh?" Ginny leaned closer to Hermione

"Its a love letter," Hermione said again

"Speak up Granger!" Ginny yelled frustrated with Hermione

"Its a love letter okay!" Hermione yelled back though she immediately sunk in her chair as funny began to squeal

"From who?" Gunny asked excitedly

"I don't know it says secret admirer" Hermione blushed again.

"This isn't right people didn't like me! Not like that! I'm the not hot one from the group! What guy is looking at me!?" Hermione seemed flustered and angry at the same time

"Who says its a guy?" Ginny shrugged reading the letter

"Hey don't touch that!" Hermione growled

"Hold on crazy hair. look" Ginny sighed showing Hermione the paper

"Yes, Ginny I read it." Hermione sighed.

"Not good enough look read right here" Ginny rolled her eyes and pointed at a particular sentence on the parchment

"Love, someone who can't hide her feelings anymore" Hermione read loudly

"Her!" Hermione exclaimed Ginny smiled

"Okay now, how do I deduce who this is?" Hermione slammed her head on her desk

"Deduce? No Hermione you have to write back!" Ginny smiled searching a bit of parchment

"Now write her back! She gave you an icebreaker start with that" Ginny clapped Hermione on the back that caused the other girl to jump forward

"Merlin ginny you've been working on quidditch a little more than usual haven't you" Hermione winced

"Yeah. It's a small payback for liking my girlfriend" Ginny laughed

"Oh shush we cant all just know if we like girls" Hermione blushed.

"I'll be on my way than. Lunas waiting for me. We're hunting some sort of bug the way she explained it to me" Ginny smiled pulling on her jacket and walking out. Hermione sighed and turned to her empty piece of parchment in front of her. She bit her lip and dipped her quill into the ink.

"Okay, Hermione you can write an essay in 20 minutes and get a perfect score. You can write a response to a love letter" Hermione blushed and wrote

Dear, The girl who couldn't hide her feelings anymore


It wasn't that weird to start a love letter like that. I suppose I'm not any better if I'm writing a response with the same beginning. This isn't a love letter. I can't say if I have any feelings for you I have confusing feelings for someone else. She's confusing.

I can sorta deduce who you are. You're a girl you said yourself you were also a Slytherin. I can tell. No one other than Slytherins makes fun of Malfoy's hair gel. Well, you guys and my friends Ron and harry but I doubt they've written me a love letter. Because of out obviously friendship and that we are all helplessly homosexual

Also, I bet its half a container every day

Love, Hermione Granger

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