Finale Part 3

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Sorry for not updating in a while, I've been busy as Spes-Herbert and didn't really know what to write. Shoutout to @MelissaGeorge123 for reminding me to post. (I literally rolled out of bed when she said to and got to work so thank you!!!)


I hurled through the sky at breakneck speed, the ground blurring under me. Even when I had been a Titaness a milenio or so ago, I still didn't have the amount of power that now surged through my veins. I took a moment to appreciate it as the distance skyscrapers of New York appeared in the distance and below me in anouther moment.

Searching for the large green area in the midst of the glass and steal, I aimed for the most destructive part. While most of the battle field was bloodied and covered with monster dust, the area farthest north in the center of the fight was a moderately small giant. His hair had fire licking his back and he seemed to form like magma as he fought. I could see Leo, happy to know he was fireproof for the moment, and Hazel and Frank fighting him. A small distance off, Percy and Jason were working to form a large typhoon and put out the fires he had caused. If I hadn't had the power of a Titian coursing through me, I wouldn't have been able to see their elevated forms swirling in the midst of the storm.

I landed hard on the ground and rolled, legs not used to such a blunt impact. While I might have Hecate's power, I still was trapped in a human body.

The cloud of vapor that had been trailing behind me, catching in my whirlwind across the country fell and the water sizzled on the giant's back.

"Everyone, back away from Kyltios." I said, motioning for them to move. "There are other monsters that need to be fought."

Hazel and Frank disappeared after seeing me, they spared one look and a sharp nod, giving me their support before running to attack a group of earth dwellers. Arion arrived and Hazel swung onto his back, disappearing while Frank became a large eagle that shrieked. His yell scared a nearby camper who yelled and his siblings took it as a battle cry and began fighting harder. Demigods, their pride was something even a god couldn't match and that's saying something.

"Hello, Calypso." The giant in front of me radiated heat as he slunk forward. "I was warned you might be here."

"Yet you didn't run?" I focused on my hands until the twin torches of Hecate formed, glowing brightly and with something other than fire.

"You don't scare me. Hecate, your master, bowed to my parents. Why should I bow to you?" He lunged forward and I dodged, extending the torch to his skin. When the two fires connected, there was a brillen the flash and the skin along his arm turned hard.

Stumbling back, he howled and clenched his not stone arm. "You little, witch! What did you do?"

I smiled, glad Hecate had trusted me. I began approaching him, torched ready to strike. When he only drew his own sword of bone and churning rock, I advanced faster. Around us, the fires were being put out by our personal weather machines and the monsters began to fall. With a limited amount, the demigods began passing the barrier and making their way into the city. I could see what I hoped was a few minorly injured campers, but the majority of my new family was alright.

"Leo," I yelled, "Do you have anything that could hold him down?"

I watched as the confused boy looked from me to Kyltios and back before looking in his tool pouch. Surprisingly, or maybe not, he managed to pull a long steel chain out of it.

"It's used to haul cars, but I think it should work. He yelled over the sound of screams and swords cracking. "What do we do?"

"You figure that out, I'll keep him distracted. Just get him off guard!"

I could see Leo nod and I took off, hovering slightly above the ground as I spun around the giant, looking for the best place to attack. With his center of gravity in the blade he held, he needed to stay solid enough to control the sword. I pushed upward, and found myself over his head as he started up at me. Willing gravity to take hold, I plummeted down toward his chest, narrowly avoiding the sword and digging the torched into his stomach.

A loud hiss like hot metal in water erupted from where the torched made contact and the giant stumbled backward.

Leo, meanwhile, was busy scaling a tree and, the moment the giant stumbled backwards, his legs were taken from under him as the chain lifted him from the ground. I don't know how Leo did it, but the chain was attached to numerous trees (we had to apologize to the dryads later) and the giant was hung upside down by his feet .

"Percy, Jason hold him there!" I yelled as I closed the distance between us, my hair flying behind me and dress curling as I went airborne.

Behind me, the jet of water from the boys kept Kyltios from fighting as I moved around him. Leo kept yelling for me to hurry and I could see the cables straining and starting to melt. With one final, trust, The torch went out leaving behind a black, stone being. I could hear Kyltios raging below, but he wasn't strong enough to fight through his own layers of skin.

Falling to my knees, I used the last of my energy to open the ground under him and Leo cut the cabled. The giant stone statue disappeared into the depths of the earth and was carried down to the underworld where Hades could deal with him.

I smiled as Leo approached. The fighting continued, but I was to tired to pay attention. So this was the immediate price for using magic, absolute exhaustion.

"We did it, Leo." I muttered into his shoulder. "We actually did it."

He said something back, but my mind gave was to the exhaustion and I blacked out before my mind could process the words.

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