The Trench

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I know it's short, but it was all I could come up with. If your interested the creature is called a Cerastes and is part of Greek mythology.


I walked along the sidewalk as soon as school let up with Annabeth at my side. As we reached the Empire State Building we quickly kissed and parted ways. I made my way to the harbor before ducking under a pier. I slowly walked into the water, being sure to stick my backpack and D-Phone somewhere safe and dry. The water was warm for late September, but that just might be a perk of being the son of Poseidon. I wadded into the water to my waist, before diving in. My senses came alive and I willed the water to ouch me out of the bay before I came to a float. I had searched the Northern blemish and had come out with a small sea monster that was hoarding treasure. I willed the water to bring me farther off the coast and deeper. I felt a tug in my gut and I shot forward. The water flowed around me, calmer than swimming in a pool for sure. After ten minutes I reached a deep trench stretching along the ocean floor.

I pulled out my laminated map, a great gift from Annabeth. 40.197 Nº 69.709 Wº. "Right here." I looked down at the murkiness below me. I allowed myself to drift downward as my eyes adjusted automatically, not that I needed them to. I knew right where I was going. Of course the place I was going was the one with the glowing rocks and sharp peaks. In the center of the area a large glowing rock appeared. One guess what I was looking for.

The ground was rocky with hills of sand with bits of shell and dead animals littered around.

The rock started glowing casting light around the walls. After the pit, I didn't scare easily, but the shadows made me uncomfortable.

I made my way forward and slowly peered around the rock.

...the sacred land will forever flourish...

What the actual heck. This has to be some more magical mumbo jumbo. Annabeth would want to see it. She knew more about this subject than I do. I mean, I'm not stupid, but she's super smart.

I slowly pick up the rock, throwing it under my left arm. It was heavy and I stumble back over two spikes produced from the sand dune.

As I regained my bearings as the sand at my feet stirred. Out of the dune a head rose. A serpent. Two long horns rose out of the crest of its diomond shaped head. Beady eyes with slit pupil glared at me.


The serpent lunged at me with lightning speed. Fangs exposed. I dove to the side as it got a mouthful of sand and shells. Now I know what your thinking. The great Percy Jackson, at home in the ocean up against a sea monster. You would think I would draw my sword and fight. Wrong.

 I hauled tail and shot out of the trench. The monster following close behind. I turned and wove in and out of undersea obstacles: rocks, fish and large weed beds. I never gained any ground. My only option, land. If I could get the upper hand I could kill the serpent. It was to long and flexible for water battles. I would have to give up the help from the water, but so would the serpent. The only problem, travelled into the water to the point were it was only a few meters deep. The crest of the waves grazing its back. I took a deep breath, could you call it a breath underwater.

I turned around and pulled out Riptide as the serpent reared up above the water, great. He lunged at me as I ducked aside. I slashed downward and created a large gap between its two horns. It recoiled and I knew it was mad. The blood flowed into the water making deep crimson color. It's eyes closed to the point were it looked like it was sainting at me, it probably was. Once again, it lunged at me. This time however, it wrapped around me like a boa constrictor squeezing me tighter and tighter. I was loosing oxygen. I dropped the stone and instead I gripped Riptide and positioned it into a angle against the serpents scales. With one motion I plunged the blade into the muscle between the bones of the spine. 

The serpent released me and exploded. Golden dust quickly turned into sea foam. I caught my breath before hosing the rock under my arm again and capping Riptide. I continued up to the surface and collected my things. Mortals were on the pier watching the area the serpent had been with video cameras and their phones.

"Did you see it? It was a huge spine! A sea monster! There was a person there to I swear to the gods! A god or something! I'm telling you Mary I have the video to prove it!"

I quickly hurried away and called a cab. Not easy to do at five at night in Manhattan, but I managed. I'm guessing by noon tomorrow the school will be buzzing with talk of the latest 'demigod sighting'. Annabeth will want to see the rock and be told beforehand. This should be fun.

Demigods Discovered ) (Percy Jackson No Mist)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ