Future Tenses in English

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Good morning everyone! This part may be a little challenging but do your best to take each part peace by peace and I am sure everything will be ok.

The future tense is an action that will happen in the future and at times you can use the future tense but in a "past way". For example, if you say "In a year from now she will be done college and completed all of her four years." This is in the future but it is also looking back into the past, so it may be confusing. 

In the future tense unlike other tenses there is no specific word ending that signifies what form it is in. Pay attention to words such as "will" and "shall" and how they are used in the sentence. 

Simple Future Tense

She will eat soon.                               He shall overcome his current situation. 

She is going to eat ice cream. (Using the verb "to go" can indicate future tense depending on the way it is used)

*This upcoming example is very common* I will be leaving later today. Or  She will be leaving later today. 

These are all future actions that will happen either soon or in the future. Try to think about it if you were saying it out loud. Sometimes saying the sentence out loud and thinking for a second can help you figure out what tense it is in.

Future Perfect Tense: This tense is all about an action that will be finished at some point in the future. This form uses "will" plus "have" and then another form of the verb which can be either in the regular or irregular form. 

Examples: I will have eaten all my pints of ice cream in the freezer by this time next year!

I will have won all of my tennis matches for the season if I win this one. 

We will have walked a mile every day by the end of the summer. 

Future Progressive Tense: This tense is used to show continuing actions, an action that will be happening, something that is going on, or an action that will happen in the future. 

To know if the future progressive is being used.... lookout for "will" plus "be" plus the verb with an "ing" ending. 

Examples: I will be walking a mile today.

You will be meeting the band members this afternoon.

We will be joining a club today. 

My mother will be waiting for me when I arrive home.

We will be spending too much money if we buy this TV this month. 

Future Present Progressive Tense: A continuous action that will be completed at some point in the future. 

This tense can be spotted because of the words "will" and "have" (meaning the person is going to have the thing occurring in the future no matter what so it is definite) and also the word "been" plus a verb with "ing" ending.

Examples: I will have been walking for five hours today.

We will have been sleeping for a total of ten hours.

You will have eaten a total of 10 snacks today.

(The wording of this tense is very strange but we use "will have been" because the word "will" means that it is definite. "Have" means that the person or people are going to do it or have something. "Been" is the span of time in this case. The span of time since the action has already started and will be completed in the future. 

Thank you for reading this part! I am sure I got all of the tenses in the future tense. If you have any questions or comments feel free to leave them in the comment section or private message me. Thank you for reading and have a beautiful day everyone! ❤️

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