How People Interact in the USA

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When you travel to a new country it can be overwhelming, but if you know how to interact with the crowd so you aren't noticeable it can be very helpful.
Here are some basic normal things to do in the USA that may be different from your country. (I am focusing specifically on the United States because I was born and raised there)
When you go out to a restaurant it is very respectful and a common courtesy to tip the server. Here servers get very little money from an actual paycheck, so tipping at least 20% is very important. At the end of the day the servers go home with the money they made from tips, but they may have a tip share so the money they earned does go down.

In clothing stores when you walk in you will be greeted by the store workers and the common thing to do when they ask you "How are you?" is to respond with how you are doing. They greet you so you feel welcomed in their store.

At gas stations when you are pumping gas into your vehicle please make sure that you don't leave your vehicle unattended and walk into the store. Make sure someone is at your vehicle at all times so when you are done pumping gas the next person can pull up after you drive away.

Holding the door in any setting here is very important. Not everybody holds the door but make sure to look behind you, so the door does not slam in somebody's face.

When you are encountered with meeting someone be sure to shake their hand and say hello or nice to meet you. Sometimes hugs are a common greeting, but thats usually if you have been friends with someone for a while. Usually handshakes happen though. Please do not expect to kiss someone on the cheek unless that is a normal greeting you guys have. If you kiss a random person on the cheek they will be creeped out.

Please and thank you are very important to say. If someone does something nice say thank you even if they don't say your welcome its ok. Just know that you did the right thing.

If anyone has any other comments or things to add to this part please message me or comment and I can add them in. Thank you all so much for reading I hope this part helped you. The next part may be grammar but I have to be careful because grammar is even confusing for me. 💖

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