twenty four

25 4 0

"alright, you ready to head up?" 

"Ready as I'll ever be."

"alright. before you enter inside my room, you should know that it's pretty messy."

"I don't really care."

"huh? seriously?"

"I share a room with two older brothers."

"oh. well, that's cool. i have a older brother, also."

"Oh, where is he?"

"he's staying at a friends, tonight."

"Oh, that's cool."

"alright, c'mon inside my room!"

"Wow. You weren't kidding about your room. It's like you have a pig visiting with you."

"yeah. so this is my bed - oh, you can just move those clothes onto the ground. i'll get to them later."


"W-Woah, your bed is really comfy!"

"it is? i never really thought that it was comfy - but then again, i've been living here since as long as i can remember. what kind of bed you sleep on at your house?"

"Hm? Oh, I sleep on the ground."

"w-wait what? seriously? what about your brothers? do they sleep on the ground also?"

"Huh? Oh no. They sleep on the queen bed, it's pretty big for about three of them."

"seriously? i would think that a queens is too small for three guys. how tall are they?"

"Nah, it's not really that small. My brothers? Oh, they're about 6 ft."

"woah! dude, how much do they weigh?"

"I don't know. I don't really have an interest in my brother's weights."

"yeah, that would be pretty weird."

"How tall is your brother?"


"What I can't ask you a question about your brother, but you can?"

"nah i was just surprised. my brother's about um, four inches taller than me."

"How tall are you?"

"i'm about 5'9."

"Oh, so your brother is 6'1?"


"Cool. He's tall."

"yep. so what kind of movies do you like watching?"

"Hmm. What type of movies do you have?"

"i have some action movies, horror movies, some sci-fi, and a couple chick flick movies."

"Do you have Star Wars?"

"do you like star wars?"


"you're a total nerd for star wars, aren't you?"


"don't worry, i won't tell anyone. alright, let's go ahead and watch star wars!"


"alright, starting movie in!"






"Hey Tanner."

"yeah brooke?"


"yeah, yeah. shut up and watch the movie."


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