thirty four

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"i think i like you brooke."

"Wait, what? As a friend? Or you know as a kissing partner?"

"i don't even the answer of that myself. all i know is how much you've been on my mind for too long. you're terrorizing my mind with your smile and eyes. it's driving me crazy, brooke!"

"O-Oh! I'm sorry?"

"don't be, it's nice having you run in my thoughts. it makes me smile."


"yeah, of course. you always seem to make me smile or want to comfort you in some way. when i'm around you my heart is beating so loudly, that even i can't slow it down. it's beating really loudly right now. can you feel this?"

"I do this to you?"

"yeah. you do."

"Whoa. Why do you like me? I'm nothing special, I'm not tall or skinny like most girls. I'm not that pretty or smart like other girls-"

"i'm going to have to stop you there. i don't care if your tall or if your not. i don't care if your smart or not. i don't even care if you're like most girls because you're not. brookie, to me you're really special and you're the prettiest and beautiful girl in the whole wide world. your humor fills up your short height, it's   wonderful. your laughter and smiles fill up your pretty, they're always shining and proving who you are. your intelligence is your wiseness, every time i talk to you i can feel myself become brighter. you're wonderful and you're beautiful."


"i'm not sure if my feelings are a crush or love. but, i want to be the one to protect you and always be there with you. rather it be as a best friend or as a boyfriend, i don't care as long as i'm with you brooke."

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