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          I couldn't fathom that I had abilities like Peter. All was clear. Like I've mentioned previously, I've always been intrigued with dreams, and now I understand why; I was invincible.

         Ever since the encounter in my dream last night, I've seen things in my waking life a little differently, notably at school. People appeared to move sluggishly, and I could detect what they were thinking. Let's say I've listened to some weird things.

         Mike walked down the hall, and he wore his typical black attire; he watched with a look of disgust towards everything, and he resembled a beast lurking for its next game. Mike looked like something out of a horror movie. I glared at him, and I was not too fond of the sight of him. He was the one who had the fake image in his mind that we were dating; he was insane. Mike's uncontrolled rage had broken him.

Peter was so much better for me, and he had a heartfelt love for me. I felt safe with him.

        Yellow sparks surrounded me and red sparks surrounded Mike. My energy was shielding me from his spell. I hope you're happy, Mike telepathically said in my head. I am actually I said back. I was surprisingly calm. The energy made me more invincible; I'm not afraid of you anymore. You have no power over me. The yellow sparks whirled around me. 

      You should be evil laughter filled my mind, and it was terrifying, but I didn't fear him anymore. I hindered his voice out of my mind and it was quiet. Everything was okay, for now.

      I sat in the back of the English classroom, trying to focus on the lecture. Mike was in the front of the class, glaring at the whiteboard. He held a black pen in his hand, and he began to shake with rage, and the pen exploded onto his paper.  I couldn't seem to get away from him today, but I wasn't going to let him ruin my day. You're okay, Hannah; I'm always with you. The warm and loving magic overcame me, and I relaxed. I felt happy. Now that I recognized my powers, I could communicate with Peter telepathically. I love you, I telepathically said with a smile on my face. I love you too, beautiful he telepathically kissed me on the cheek. I got through the rest of the class period without any problems.

  After class I walked to the auditorium with Peter. We were supposed to have our final rehearsal before opening night tomorrow. I couldn't believe we were finally opening Les Misérables! 

       "You nervous for today?" Peter inquired, holding my hand. I smiled at him. "No, I'm excited. I'm elated!" I was so happy. 

He laughed. "You're so cute." he embraced me and kissed me. 

     "So are you." I flirted and kissed him back. We had the best rehearsal ever, and everything flowed together so nicely. I was hoping that the show would go just as well.

         Peter was still driving me home because he was concerned about my head damage; it was nice that he was so concerned. I was delighted to have him as my boyfriend. We were sitting in his car for a while. 

        "So what happened with Mike today?" he asked concerned. "He somehow got into my head and tried to intimidate me. I saw my magic and his magic fighting and I stopped him." I told him.

 "It was weird yet cool," I said sheepishly. Peter chuckled, "Sounds like you're mastering your powers very well." 

        I smiled "What do our powers mean? How did we get them?" "It usually comes through the subconscious and those who often lucid dream; you are one of those individuals, and that's what makes your magic so powerful." "In my dream last night, I heard a major scale, and then yellow sparks came out of my hands. What does that mean?" I looked down at my hands. I couldn't believe that I was just a normal girl a few months ago, but now I was a powerful sorceress of dreams. "Your strength is music and singing. So your magic is more potent with sound; it's a rare ability given to few people." That was impressive; now I understood why Mike disappeared after I used my magic. The sound seemed to undermine him. "What is your power?" I asked. I desired to comprehend more and more about this beautiful magic; I was curious. 

       "My strength is telepathy. I can see and hear thoughts, and I could see what tactics Mike was about to use so he couldn't hurt us." He gazed at me. 

   His green eyes were sad. "I couldn't live with myself if you got hurt." I smiled and squeezed his hand. "I know I wouldn't get hurt because I have you." he stroked my hand, and he smiled his cute smile. 

    "I love you so much." "That's a coincidence, because I love you too handsome." I teased back. We shared a sweet kiss. 

    We chatted for a while, and we didn't realize that hours snuck by; I wasn't completely ready to go inside yet. Before we knew it, it was midnight. "I should probably head inside," I told Peter gloomily. "I'll see you tonight," he answered, kissing me softly. I beamed, "Can't wait." we shared another kiss before going to my house.

    I walked into the house, and I was cautious not to wake up my Mom. I felt lousy that I stayed out late so much, which wasn't fair to her. I left her a note and placed it on the kitchen table. After a long day, I went upstairs to sleep, and I was excited about tonight's dream. Peter was going to train me how to use my abilities. The lesson would be fascinating; I was hoping that Mike wouldn't invade the subconscious tonight. As I said, I wasn't afraid of Mike anymore because we were stronger than him.
I woke up in a beautiful meadow enclosed by every variety of flowers you could imagine. The field was the most breathtaking display I've ever seen. "This is astonishing," I spoke out loud. Peter emerged in front of me, and he beamed when he saw me. "You ready for your lesson Hannah?" "Indeed I am." I smiled back. He took my hand, and we walked into the area.

  Nothing would stop us now. 

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