The Reality

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      "Hannah! Earth to Hannah!" Mike was trying to get my attention.

          I blinked back to the present.

        "Huh? What?" I nearly ran into a wall, but Mike pulled me out of the way. 

"We have to go to class." he reminded me. I nodded. "I know." I couldn't get the mysterious figure out of my head. His voice stayed with me like a stamp that constantly made me happy.

      "What is with you today?" Mike raised an eyebrow. "Did you stay up late watching Roman Holiday again?" I looked down in humorous shame; he knew me too well. 

         "Yes, but that's not the case." I fiddled with the straps on my backpack nervously. He touched my arm. "Then what's going on?" He genuinely wanted to know. I knew I could trust him.

 "I had this vivid dream that I was inside a fancy theater, and then it changed to some magic blue and gold misty scene." My mind immediately went to the mysterious figure and his beautiful voice. "Someone was singing like they were calling to me." it was as if I was being pulled back into my dream. "He was smiling. He kissed my hand, and then I woke up."

I was afraid that Mike would think I was crazy, but instead, he looked at me in awe. 

"That's quite the dream. What do you think it means?" I shrugged. "I'm not sure. I can't get it out of my head." I was afraid that I wouldn't concentrate on the tasks I had waiting for me throughout the day. I would be finding out the results of auditions today, and I would be preparing for an upcoming show. We were putting on Les Misérables, and I was playing Eponine! Mike was playing alongside me as Marius, so that made the whole experience more fun! We had a lot to look forward to.

As we approached the drama room, I got the feeling that everything was about to change. When the rest of the students got to the room, it was time for class to start. The drama teacher Miss Kay walked to the front of the class. She always dressed up uniquely, and today she was wearing a black and white polka dot striped dress with bright pink leggings.

        "Welcome, everyone!" she was always so upbeat and happy; it was hard not to smile. 

"Hi Miss Kay!" everyone called back. She grinned. "We have a lot to do today. First, congratulations to those of you who participated in the scholarship auditions; you should be finding your results today so check your emails. Second, we'll be running all of act one for the show, and lastly, I have a new student to introduce." as if on cue, the door opened, and the new student walked in.

It was the boy from my dream! He had the same dark curly brown hair and green eyes, the mischievous smile was there as well, and he was tall. The boy was beautiful, and all the girls in the classroom seemed to think so well because they were all trying desperately to get his attention.

I couldn't take my eyes off him. He probably thought I was weird, so I fiddled with my mechanical pencil to distract myself. 

         "Everyone, this is Peter." Miss Kay introduced him. "Hello everyone," he said politely. He has a British accent! I exclaimed internally. 

"Hey, you might wanna wipe the drool off your face," Mike whispered. I playfully punched him in the arm. "Shut up." I almost didn't hear Miss Kay talking until I looked up. 

    "Peter, why don't you sit next to Hannah." he looked at me and smiled.

         "That would be great." I could feel my face turning red. He approached me and sat at the empty desk next to me. I smiled politely as he sat down. 

"Hey Peter, I'm Hannah," I said in a slightly shaky voice. "Hello Hannah, it's nice to meet you." "Likewise." we shook hands. Time seemed to slow down around us, and I felt that I was back in my dream.

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