The Mystery

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     What is going on? I couldn't believe that I had more dreams about Peter. It was starting to scare me. It could be just a coincidence that I happen to be dreaming about him, but why did it seem like my apparent connection was getting more robust with each dream I had?

    I had always wondered what my dreams meant since I was a child, but this time I wanted to know what they meant.  I tried to understand why this was happening. Like any other person, I opened my laptop and Googled what it could mean, but nothing looked promising.  What am I going to do?  Maybe Google wasn't going to help me this time. I dramatically fell back onto my bed and groaned. "Why?!"

        Later I decided to talk to my Mom because I always go to her for advice. I walked downstairs to find her reading one of her latest romance novels. "Hey, Mom, can I talk to you?" I asked. She looked up from her novel. "Sure, Hannah, what do you need?" I sat down on the couch, and I fiddled with my treble clef necklace; it was a bad habit of mine when I get nervous. "Okay, you're probably going to think I'm crazy, but I've had recurring dreams about the new guy at my school. What do you think it means?" I talked so fast it felt like a millisecond. She laughed. "Slow down honey, why would I think you're crazy?" I looked at her in disbelief and laughed as well. "Because I've had recurring dreams about the new guy at my school!" She smiled. "You probably have a crush on him and don't realize it," she told me. I guess it did make sense. He does have the most amazing eyes and smile I had ever seen. "You're thinking about him right now, aren't you?" she said, looking at me with humor. "You know me so well, Mom!" we laughed. "Thanks for helping me," I told her. "That's what I'm here for." Mom said.

         While I was reading my script to pass the time, my phone began to ring. I didn't recognize the number, but I had a feeling that I should answer. "Hello?" my heart began to pound. "Hello Hannah." a familiar voice answered. My fears immediately melted away. "Hey, Peter." I could feel myself smiling like an idiot. "How are you this evening?" he was very polite; guys like that are hard to find these days. "I'm well, thank you. Just curious, how did you get my phone number?" I asked. "Miss Kay has a contact list of all the cast members." he gently reminded me. That made sense. "Right, so what can I do for you?" I asked. I was surprised at the brightness in my voice. "Did you want to go get hot chocolate with me? I needed someone to talk to about the musical." I could hear him smile. "And I would like to get to know you better." I decided to play along. "Peter, did you just ask me out on a date?" I teased. He chuckled. "In a way, yes."  I smiled to myself. "Yes, I would love to." "Great, I'll pick you up at 7:00." "Can't wait." I hung up and texted him my address.

I wouldn't usually go on a date with a guy that I had just barely met, but I needed answers, and spending time with Peter would help me find answers to why my dreams seemed to be only about him. I thought about all the things that I would say to him throughout the evening as I was putting on my royal blue sweater with black pants and my black heeled boots. I finished getting ready, and I went downstairs to tell my Mom the news.

"You look fancy," Mom said as I walked down the stairs. "I have a date tonight," I told Mom sheepishly. I tried not to stumble in my boots as I sat on the couch. "Who's the lucky guy?" she asked, smiling. "The guy that I told you about earlier, his name is Peter." "You know I don't want you to go out with guys I haven't met before." she started to say. "I know, Mom, and I'm sorry, but he's nice, and I know he won't hurt me. I think that spending time with him will give me answers as to why I'm having recurring dreams about him." I was surprised by the confidence in my voice. Mom smiled. "If that what you want, then I'm one hundred percent behind you, Hannah." "Thanks, Mom," I told her. "I'm sure he'll be a respectful young man; I can't wait to meet him."

As if on cue, the door knocked softly. I got up from the couch with shaky hands and opened the door. Peter was smiling at me. "Hello Hannah, you look radiant this evening." "Thank you, Peter," I felt my face turning red. "Come in," I said politely. "Thank you," he answered. He gracefully walked through the door. My mom stood up from the couch and smiled at him. "You must be Peter, and I'm Hannah's mother." "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Stuart." he shook her hand. "You can call me Natalie." "Thank you, Natalie," he answered. I had a feeling that my mother was about to quiz him as she has done to all dates I've gone on. "Before you two go, I need to ask you some questions."

"So, how do you know my daughter?" she had him sit on the couch. He looked a little nervous. "I met Hannah at school; we're in the musical together," he answered, fiddling with the collar in his coat. "Where are you taking her?" she asked another question. "We're going to the diner to get hot chocolate." "Mom, don't torture him!" I laughed. "Just trying to keep you safe, honey," she said kindly. "Don't worry, and I'll make sure she's safe," Peter assured her as he put his arm around me. My mother looked at us with a grin. "Looks like she's in good hands." "I'll have her home by midnight."

"Have fun, you two!" she called as we were walking to his car. "Thanks, Mom!" I waved as we drove away." "She seems nice," Peter told me, he elegantly started his car, and we were on our way. " I smiled. "She is; she's always been supportive." "That's great." I could feel the connection from my dream getting stronger again. "I'm happy you asked me to go out with you tonight," I said to make conversation. He smiled his handsome smile. "Thanks for agreeing to it. I can't wait to get to know you." I smiled back. "Same to you." he started his car, pulled out of the driveway, and we drove off into the night.

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