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"Peter. Hannah. You can get to know each other more after class." Miss Kay said with a hint of amusement. We hadn't broken eye contact for a while. "Oh, sorry." we both said. I thought I saw him blush. I smiled and pulled my script out of my backpack, and concentrated on it. "Let's head into the auditorium to run act one!" the teacher said excitedly; it seems like she was excited about everything. Mike gave me a teasing grin, and I laughed; today was turning out great so far. 

        We gathered our stuff and started walking down the hall to the auditorium. "Hannah, do you mind if I walk with you?" I turned around and saw Peter. I smiled politely, "I don't mind at all." I was grateful that he asked to walk with me. We walked in silence for a bit. 

"So, how are you adjusting to coming here?" I asked shyly. He smiled. "It was hard at first, but I've met some fascinating people so far, and when I found out about your theatre program, I got excited." I could sense the passion for the art in his voice. "That's good. We have a great theatre program, and I'll miss it after graduation." I told him. "What are your plans after graduation?" he asked curiously.

 I couldn't believe I was about to open up to someone I had only known for a few minutes. "I plan on being part of the musical theatre program at NYU. I want to be on Broadway or possibly be a theatre teacher. I feel that I should have a backup plan, but I feel bound to work out. Theatre is a big part of my life." I was optimistic about my future. "I admire your optimism Hannah," he told me as he ran a hand through his dark brown hair. "Thank you, what do you plan on doing?" I wanted to get to know this mysterious person better. He sighed. "There are so many possibilities, but I know that one of them will involve music. I can feel it. Music has a power that can bring out the best in everyone. I want to have music involved in my life so I can bring that out in people." he sounded so sure of his plans.

      "Well, I hope your dreams come true; it sounds amazing," I told him. He smiled a handsome smile. "Thank you." "You're welcome." I smiled back. "I can tell you're a performer." He told me as he looked at me; his green eyes seemed to be born into me. "How?" I was intrigued by his comment. "You have the spirit and strength that a performer has. That strength will be useful someday. I know your dreams will come true," I wasn't quite sure what to say to that. I was grateful that he supported my dreams despite not knowing me, but it sounded like predicting my future. He kept looking at me throughout the rehearsal like I was the most fantastic thing he's laid eyes on, and I was flattered; because it's not every day, a cute boy complimented me. He was becoming more mysterious by the minute. 

     After rehearsal, the school day was over. I couldn't wait to go home and check the results of my scholarship audition. I ran up the path covered in leaves that led to my house. I opened the door and began to run up the stairs to my room. My mom was sitting on the couch in the living room, reading one of her romance novels. "Hi, Mom!" I said as I ran up the stairs. "Hey, Hannah. Why are you in such a hurry?" she called. "We find out the results of auditions!" I called back. "Oh, okay, break a leg!" she encouraged. I was grateful that my mother knew the theatre terms; I felt more confident now. 

       I opened my laptop and immediately logged in and opened my inbox. The first one was from NYU Musical Theatre Program. Shaking like a leaf, I clicked open the message, and it said the words I never thought it would say. "Dear Miss Stuart, we are pleased to tell you that we would like to give you the honor of a scholarship and a place in our Musical Theatre Program! We look forward to seeing you this fall." My mouth practically fell to the floor! "MOM!! I GOT IT!!!" I ran down the stairs to tell her. She grinned. "That's amazing, honey! I knew you could do it!" she gave me a big hug. "I'm so proud of you." "Thanks, Mom. It's because you encouraged me to keep going." I told her with a smile. "Great things are in store for you," she told me. 

     After celebrating with my Mom at Tony's Pizza, I called Mike to tell him the good news. "Hey Han! What's up?" he greeted as he picked up the phone. "I got it! I'm in the Musical Theatre Program at NYU!" I squealed with excitement. "That's amazing! I'm proud of you!" I could hear his smile. "Thanks, Mike." then I remembered. "Have you found out your results yet?" "Nope, I haven't checked my email yet." I could hear the nerves in his voice. "I'm sure you got yours. You better call me the second you find out." I told him with a hint of humor. "Yes, Hannah," he said like a child. We both laughed. "Break a leg," I said. "Thank you, see ya." "Bye." we both hung up. 

   I was so happy. It was as if my entire future was unfolding in front of me. I was jamming out to the song Seize the Day from Newsies. After today, my motivation to seize the day increased. I couldn't wait to see what the future had in store.

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