Invisible to Noticed

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Peter and I walked into the school holding hands. The second we did so, the entire school seemed to have their eyes on us. I was used to being the invisible theatre geek, but now that all changed. We were now the "it couple." I saw Mike in the distance and waved at him, but he looked heartbroken and walked away. Had I done something wrong? The whispers all around me were very overwhelming. I wasn't used to all this attention. Most of the nerves were coming from the fact that Mike was now avoiding me. Peter noticed my expression and squeezed my hand. "Is everything okay?" I nodded. "Everything's fine." We walked in silence for a while. "I saw how you reacted to Mike." Peter broke the silence. I looked at him. "He just looked sad, and I was just worried." "Do you want to talk to him?" asked Peter. His eyes were full of kindness and concern that he made me feel at peace. I nodded. "I probably should make sure he's okay. After all, we've been friends for ten years. Thanks for understanding, Peter." I kissed him on the cheek. "Of course, love." He kissed me on the lips.

I walked up to Mike in drama class while we were building the set. He looked up from painting a set-piece and did not look happy to see me. "What do you want?" I raised an eyebrow; Mike would not talk me down that way. "First of all, that's mean, and second what did I do wrong?" "You don't know? You went out with a guy you haven't known for that long, and now you're holding hands and kissing. I thought you had more common sense than that!" I have never seen him this angry. "Why do I need to ask your permission on how to live my life? Peter and I are dating, not planning a wedding!" "Details, you are moving way too fast. You are better than this, Hannah. What happened to the girl I knew? You said you wanted to focus on your studies rather than dating. This guy is going to throw you off your game." He was practically fuming. I was getting mad. "Okay, just for the record, he has been nothing but supportive and encouraging. I like him, and I don't need your approval. Frankly, I never liked any of the girls you dated, and I never gave you crap for it!" I was shaking with anger. I've known Mike for all these years. I have never seen him be this mean and condescending. "He's going to break your heart, Hannah. You are too stupid to see that because you're blind to romance. Who has always been there for you? Me. Who has been supportive of your life? Me. You're going to end up alone and sad because you were too blind to see what's going on." His face was red with anger, and his scowl seemed permanent on his face. Mike suddenly had a realization of what he did. "Hannah..." Tears were forming in my eyes. "I can't believe you said that! If that's how you feel, then we probably shouldn't be friends anymore!" I ran off the stage and towards the bathroom. "Hannah, I'm sorry!" He called after me. I ignored him. I slammed the door of the stall and sobbed violently into my hands. Why was he so mean? I knew Peter and I were moving kind of fast, but I liked him, and we were dating. Friends are supposed to be there for each other.

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