Christmas Special: Loki

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"Hey, Loki! What's up?" You ask, seeing Loki sitting on you bed.

Loki shrugged in response.

You and Loki had been friends since just after his attack on Manhattan and you had gotten used to him showing up in your apartment at random times.

"Okay, I know something's wrong. You never shrug when I ask you something; you always give me a snarky remark." you say sternly.

Loki had always liked how you were so honest and open with him about everything. It showed that you trusted him. Trust had been something foreign before you had come along.

He looked up at you briefly and then looked back down at the floor.

"Seriously, what's wrong?" You ask, a bit worried, as you sit next to him.

"I guess... I guess that I'm just... homesick for Asgard..." he mumbled.

You put your hand to his forehead, checking to see if he had a fever. Those were words you had never expected him to say.

Loki was never fond of Asgard. He was constantly plotting against the realm.

"Uhh, Loki? Are you delirious?!"

Loki gave a small smile at your inquiry, but it quickly disappeared.

"Around Christmas, there would always be a ball held at the palace. Anyone could attend. It was the one ceremony that I enjoyed." Loki explained.

He paused a moment before continuing.

"Everyone in Asgard would be there. Thor would leave me alone and surround himself with Asgardian women. I had no royal duties, I could act as I pleased. We would feast, we would dance, we would have a good time in general. It was the one time I could see all of Asgard's population at once, without having responsibilities." He finished.

"I see..." you say, not knowing how else to respond.

You say with Loki for a few minutes before you had an idea.

Jumping to your feet, you hurriedly crossed the room and reached the door.

"Y/N, where are you going?!" Loki asked, startled by your sudden movements.

"I just remembered that I left the oven on. Don't want the apartment to burn down." you lied, trying not to sound too suspicious.

Avoiding Loki's watchful stare, you left the bedroom and grabbed the nearest phone.

You hurriedly dialed your brother's number and waited for an answer.

"Hey, sis! What's up?"

"Tony, I need a favor."

Yes, Tony Stark, the brilliant millionaire, was your brother.

"Another one? Why do you always ask me for favors? What do I ever get in return?" He whined.

"Tony, I haven't asked for a favor in two years. And I get to ask you for favors free of charge since I've had to put up with you my entire life." you argued.

"Fiiiiiiiine. What do you need?"

You smirked, and began to tell Tony your plot.

•.•.•.•.•.•.TIME LAPSE•.•.•.•.•.•.

A few hours later, you had managed to get Loki blindfolded and you were dragging him out the door.

"And no magic! I want this to be a surprise, so don't use your powers to find out where I'm taking you and/or why." you say.

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