Valentine's Day Special: Steve

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"No, Tony! Bad boy! Very, very bad boy!" You scolded the annoying millionaire.

Tony Stark: scientist, genius, playboy, philanthropist, inventor, Iron Man.

More like Tony Stark: cocky, jerk, dick, smartass, annoying, too smart for his own good, menace, Iron Man. Also very deserving of a smack in the face. With a chair. A very large chair. Made of titanium. And somehow on fire. Thrown by the hulk.

You and Tony had never gotten along, but now he had crossed the line.

Stark had thought it would be funny to call your boyfriend, Steve Rogers, and say that you didn't want to see him again and that you and Tony were now together.

When you caught wind of this, you marched yourself over to Stark tower with a taser and a baseball bat.

Okay, maybe you were a little dramatic, but, Tony deserved it. Or, at least he would've.

Before you could do any real damage, the man had managed to disarm you.


"Jarvis, now might be a good time to tell Pepper to write my eulogy." he gulped.

"Right away, Sir." Jarvis replied.

Fueled by anger, hurt, and the pleasure of beating the genius to a pulp, you charged him. In a fit of fury, you slapped, punched, kicked, and elbowed anything you could get your hands on, which was mostly Tony.

By the time you were done with him, Stark was lying on the ground with several minor injuries.

You stalked out of the building, now more sad than angry.

Steve would never forgive you. Why would he? He had been your best friend as well as your boyfriend, and now he was gone. You were sure if it.

But, nonetheless, you had to try to get him back. You just had to figure out how.

By this point, tears had begun to stream down your face. You couldn't hold them back even if you wanted to.

You walked to the park that was exactly halfway between your apartment and Steve's. It was a convenient place for the both of you to meet up, so you had quite a few memories with him at the park. The two of you had considered it your "special place".

When you finally arrived at your destination, you headed straight for the tree where you had first met. You easily climbed up the branches, hoping to be hidden by the leaves so that you could be alone to grieve and to think.

It began to grow dark, but you didn't care; just wanted to sit in your tree and cry, so you did.

That was when you saw him.

Through a gap in the leaves, you watched as Steve walked through the park, eventually sitting on one of the swings.

Not knowing how to react, you sat in the tree, staring. Then you decided that you had to talk to him.

You speedily scrambled down the tree and stealthily ran up behind him.

"Steve?" You said quietly, your voice hoarse and scratchy.

Steve turned his head towards you, staring at you with red-rimmed eyes that matched your own.

"Y/N?" He asked, surprised.

Suddenly, he stood up and enveloped you in a tight hug. "You never said goodbye..." he explained, so quiet he was almost inaudible.

"I never wanted to. What Tony said-" "No. Don't apologize. I want you to be happy." he cut you off.

None of this was what you were expecting. You expected him to lash out, be angry.

Steve slowly let go of you, leaving you to shiver in the night air. He turned and began to walk away, eyes now trained on the ground.

"Steve! Please wait! What Tony said wasn't true! It was a cruel joke! I still love you and I always will! I'm lost without you. I just spent the last however many hours sitting up in that tree- and if that doesn't show you how little I know how to function without you, I don't know what does!" You said quickly.

Steve stopped dead in his tracks.

"You mean- you mean you're not with Tony?" He asked.

"I honestly don't know how you beloved him. I can't stand the man." you replied.

A wide grin spread across Steve's face as he rushed back over to you. He kissed you softly. It was short and modest, but exactly what you needed.

"I love you, Steven Rogers." you reiterated. "I love you more." he countered.

The two of you walked hand in hand out of the park and down the sidewalk.

"How does beating up a man by the name of Tony and some Chinese food sound?" Steve asked.

"Perfect! Though, I'm not sure if Stark's going to be conscious." you said cheerily.

Steve gave you a worried look, but quickly laughed instead. His laughter was contagious, and you too soon joined in.

At that moment, you were falling in love all over again, and you were falling hard, too. Steve Rogers was a very lucky man.

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